11 Tips to Help You Get Pregnant Faster

So what can you do to increase your chances of conceiving more quickly? Reducing alcohol intake, quitting smoking and drug use, maintaining a healthy body weight, and eating a well-rounded diet are obvious, but here are a few more tips you probably didn't know:
Tips for Her
#1 - Know when you ovulate! This can be one of the most important steps to success, and it's not one-size-fits-all. See what our reviewers had to say about the First Response Digital Ovulation Test (which tracks your personal Luteinizing Hormone levels instead of basing it on an arbitrary average).
#2 - We already pointed out that a healthy Body Mass Index is important, but did you know that being underweight can be worse than overweight for conceiving? According to WebMD and other sources, women with a BMI under 19 may take four times as long to conceive compared to just twice as long for a BMI over 25. A BMI of 19-25 is considered ideal for conceiving. (BMI calculator)
#3 - Limit caffeine to 200-250 mg per day. Consider your serving size (do you drink from a large travel mug or a small coffee cup?) and remember that caffeine can be found in many unexpected places, including soda beverages (not just the cola varieties!), coffee flavoured ice creams, chocolate, certain medications, "energizing" drinks and snacks, and more.
#4 - The Missionary Position! Lying on your back during sex and even putting a pillow under your hips immediately afterward tilts your pelvis up to let gravity lend a helping hand.
#5 - Mood and mental health is a no-brainer, if you'll pardon the pun. Depression can play a role in lowered fertility, and covering up during chilly winter months also means you're getting less Vitamin D (which is a natural mood-booster). Consider taking a daily supplement and/or getting outside more often on those sunny days.
#6 - Avoid BPA, a hormone mimic which can disrupt hormonal balance and can be found in food and beverage packaging and containers. In addition to interfering with conception, it's believed BPA may raise your risk of a miscarriage (source: FamilyEducation.com).
Tips for Him
#7 - Although not definitively proven, many sources recommend that men avoid hot tubs, saunas, and hot baths since heat kills sperm (testicles function best at 94 to 96 degrees Fahrenheit, a couple of degrees cooler than normal body temperature). Cyclists who spend hours each day on the bike have a similar problem: those tight bike shorts keep the temperature up, plus the strain of riding can injure scrotum and testes.
#8 - Certain antibiotics, high blood pressure medications and other drugs used to treat diseases like fungal infections, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, peptic ulcers, and seizures can affect a man's fertility. Tell your doctor you are trying to start a family and ask if a different medication which won't lower your fertility can effectively treat your condition.
#9 - Know your workplace risks! Exposure to some common industrial and hobby compounds can affect the quality of sperm.
#10 - Folic acid is not just for moms-to-be. Fathers can benefit from stronger sperm counts with a folic acid supplement. Zinc is also a micronutrient to watch. Limit your soy intake, too: it's an "environmental estrogen".
#11 - Naturally you know to avoid spermicidal lubricants, but did you know some other types of lubricants can affect motility? Some household products might be good substitutes.
Do you have any fertility booster secrets to share? Let us know in the comments!
This post was sponsored by First Response™ Digital Ovulation Tests. Check out our members' reviews here!
More on Health, Pregnancy
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on October 24, 2015
Great article but for me the most effective way to conceive is when you stop thinking about it and just go with the flow .. The more you try the harder it is to get pregnant . A Few people I know were trying for years until they stop trying and then They finally got pregnant . |
![]() | These are great tips! Thank you! |
![]() | Good thoughts send the way of all those trying to conceive. |
![]() | I can attest to number 2! We tried for 4 years and then I lost 40 lbs and got pregnant when we had quit trying! |
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on February 25, 2015
I took just under a year to conceive. We had to go to a fertility clinic and just on the assessment part where they figure out exactly when you ovulate, we were able to conceive on the very day and it worked. My cycles are very long so I ovulate once every two months sometimes, so it's hard to tell exactly when I am ovulating. |
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on February 12, 2015
BBT! I know most women are not a fan of this method, but its a foolproof way to determine the phases of your cycle and nail down ovulation. I had to rely on this over any other method since my cycles are so off the wall and far from consistent. Google "basal body temperature" for more information. |
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on February 10, 2015
Great article! Thanks for the extra tips :) |
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