Anna Wintour's Summerhouse is "Deer Infested"
As Tim Gunn might say, "Make it work, Anna."

World of Interiors mag October 2010 issue has a worthwhile peek inside Anna's Long Island (NY) summerhouse (though to the rest of us simple folk it's rather palatial). Unfortunately for Anna, the woods are "deer infested" and the river is "toxic".
Well, we'd rough it there, despite such challenges. Somehow...
File that one under Say Wha--?

World of Interiors mag October 2010 issue has a worthwhile peek inside Anna's Long Island (NY) summerhouse (though to the rest of us simple folk it's rather palatial). Unfortunately for Anna, the woods are "deer infested" and the river is "toxic".
Well, we'd rough it there, despite such challenges. Somehow...
File that one under Say Wha--?