Arm Candy Pose Off: Cute Bracelets, Bangles and Rings

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Monday February 13, 2012100 comments

While the term 'Arm Candy' usually brings to mind images of P.Y.T. (i.e. pretty young things) draped all over someone's arm on the red carpet, this week we're posing off with another kind of arm candy: baubles and bracelets and bangles (oh my!).

We heard about the so-called 'Arm Party' from the Man Repeller blog, referring to the statement-making and unrestrained stacking of all your favourite pieces at once.

What's fabulous about this trend is that you can layer inexpensive individual pieces together for a convincing off-duty model look with some major street styling skills. The look can be done in a few different ways and using some tricks, is a statement anyone can pull off.

Of course, we decided to try it ourselves and hit the Posing Wall (because that's just how we roll).


Ever the minimalist when it comes to creating a statement, Lorna sticks to a palette of silver and black and keeps her bracelets all around the same size. She uses different shades to keep it in the family without sacrificing the style.


Michelle's cute and whimsical side shines through with her quirky stacking of bangles and cuffs. We love how she pairs printed pieces with beaded ones and uses basic bracelets as filler. She ties everything together with a gorgeous and chunky cocktail ring. 


Alexandra loves to use big and bold pieces to stand out. She uses bracelets, bangles and cuffs of varying sizes and colours. A braided friendship bracelet in green stands out against the warmer colour of gold and the reds and yellows are brought back down with her cocktail rings. 


Mandy focuses all the attention onto her oversized face watch. She keeps it cute and fun with a brightly coloured braided bracelet along with some charms and chains. She mixes her arm candy up with metals, beads and fabric pieces for variety. 

Who's arm candy are you coveting? Let us know whose style you'd most likely sport, and we'll award one lucky commenter with a beauty prize! Hurry - contest ends February 19th.
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on February 13, 2012  beautyinfinitum  2,817 said:

Mandy. Love that big watch!

on February 13, 2012  Becky  13,128 said:

ALL of them! Can I pick all of them? Well if I can only pick two I guess I'd pick Michelle and Lorna's. But really, all of them. :-)

on February 13, 2012  beachbabe  4,164 said:

I love Mandy's! Love the bracelets she paired with it. Is it rosegold? It looks like it. I just got one for Valentine's Day and I LOVE it.

on February 13, 2012  sacki20  1,016 said:

i belive that wearing something like braclets can really tell your style and it shows even more in this case, i love lornas as its simple and not to over the top look at me, it can be easily paired with a purse or shoes..

on February 13, 2012  collifornia  784 said:

I like Mandy's the best.. especially the braided colorful bracelet.

on February 13, 2012  MizzRobin  13,788 said:

I'm loving Mandy's arm candy the most! The braided bracelet adds just the right amount of color pop

on February 13, 2012  Marie1234  4,232 said:

I like Michelle's best

on February 13, 2012  oxNatxo  181 said:

Love the layered bracelet concept. Endless combinations make for a style that's anything but boring!

on February 13, 2012  Mysbule  466 said:

I love Mandy's! The braided bracelet is so cute!

on February 13, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

Love Alex's ana Many's arm candy!

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