Beauty Talk Giveaway: Strand Stories + Comment to Win!

Posted by Renee | Monday November 4, 201321 comments

Life confession: I am always growing out my bangs. Any time they get to a reasonable length, I spend a few days glamourizing the wispy bang look and bam I cut them again - sometimes with kitchen scissors, always with regret. Unfortunately, this is just the beginning of my bad hair behaviour. I have traumatised my strands with many dramatic chops and terrible colours. Although I have somewhat learned my lesson, I have to confess that I am still coveting fiery red hair, even though I know it's a bad idea. 

Hairstyle history can be somewhat embarrassing (hello, 80's perms). Have you ever regretted a haircut, colour, or style? Any favourite hair rehab products? We want to hear your hair history and how you managed with damage control. Or, if you've had some good luck in the style department, are there any trendy looks you love, but are nervous to try?

Share your strand stories by commenting here, or if it's a longer story that requires a little explaining, in the forums or by tweeting @ChickAdvisor with your story and the hashtag #BeautyTalk. Or, if you're like me and have gone through some serious style changes, do all of the above! Once you have shared your story, you will be entered to win a hair care prize pack worth $35!

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on November 18, 2013  reneemichelle  229 said:

This contest is now closed. The winner is . . . LadyFlash! Congrats! Thanks to everyone who entered!

on November 15, 2013  VictoriaEss  7,663 said:

I went through a phase where I was stressed out and lost a lot of hair. When I see pictures from that time in my life, I always wince at the Snooki-like pouf I created daily to mask my hair loss.

on November 14, 2013  reneemichelle  229 said:

This contest is now closed. The winner is . . . LadyFlash! Thanks to everyone who shared their strand stories!

on November 13, 2013  midnightsun2288  6,053 said:

When I was younger I used to cut my own hair almost everyday, just a few snips here and there to make it "even". It never really made it past shoulder length. Finally when I was about 15 years old I realized this was a terrible idea and I started to leave it alone. By 18 years old my hair was finally long, which is a super feat for someone with extremely curly hair! Over the summer I decided to take a risk and get my hair dyed ombre. It turned out great, it went from dark brown at the roots to a rich caramel color at the tips. After about 3 months of ombre hair, I asked my sister to cut off the very tips of my hair, maybe about an inch or so, just to keep my hair healthy. She took it upon herself to remove all of the ombre coloring, which she not-so-secretly hated. I asked her to cut off about an inch of hair.....she ended up cutting off about 6 inches!

I forgive her for it, but, needless to say I will never be going to her for a hair cut again! Lesson Learned.

on November 11, 2013  Steffikah  9,295 said:

I have had my hair every colour under the sun, even those not found in nature... but it's rare for me to change my style too much. I always have some sort of side bang and my hair is usually below my shoulders... I went to my chin once and I think that might've been a little too short for my frame and face. Oh well, it grew out quick enough and looked cute when I put it up. The one nightmare I can remember though was a bad dye job, shortly after getting my hair cut that short. I had asked for a medium auburn colour, and she knew that I had bits of red and blonde in my hair from before. She said no problem. Well, I also had about two inches of regrowth... she also said no problem to that. WRONG WRONG WRONG! My roots turned out blonde and my ends somehow turned out darker than I wanted. What? How did that happen? She told me it looks fine and it blended... it did not. I don't know why I paid. I had to go to someone else who knew what they were doing to correct it because I didn't trust her to fix it when I toyed with coming back the next day.

on November 11, 2013  Marie1234  4,232 said:

Cutting my hair too short to try the pixie cut....doesn't work if you have lots of hair and not enough time to style it everyday

on November 07, 2013  wendyroy  25,308 said:

As much as I loved my long blonde hair, so did my ex-husband. \As much as he loved my hair, I hated him, so, in some strange way, getting it cut, and dying it dark seemed like a great idea. After the five minutes of him glaring at it were over, I was stuck with a head of hair I hated. Lesson learned...Don't bite off your nose to spite your face!

on November 06, 2013  Dream24  2,148 said:

When I was 10 I was dragged to the hair salon and was given bangs and chin length hair, my hair is usually shoulder length or longer. Worst idea ever! My hair grows really fast, so most of the time I had bangs in my eyes and I hated how it looked on me. I roughed it out and tried clipping the bangs to the side, but unfortunately my hair is so straight and sleek that nothing would keep the hair in place (the clips kept sliding off). Thank goodness my bangs eventually grew out (after months of fighting with my hair on a daily basis) and I have never had bangs since.

on November 05, 2013  ems001  9,358 said:

I always like to change up my hair - nothing drastic, but I do get bored often. So last year, I dyed it a few times - from brown to black to reddish, had a Keratin straightening treatment done and also let it grow a bit. Well my hair was pretty dry and damaged, so this year, I decided to go cut a bit...well a lot off. I went from having my hair midway on my back, to having an ear length bob cut.
Let me tell you, it was quite the change, at first I did not know what to do with it, how to style it since I was used to long hair forever, but the good part was that the ends were all cut off and my hair felt lighter, fresher and just overall nicer to touch. And I got used to it!

Although I enjoyed my bob cut, I am excited to grow it again and having it cut again. I think girls identify with their hair length and color and let it be too much of a big deal when it doesn't have to be. I have had some pretty bad cuts, and the worst is when they mess up your bangs, but what helps me is remembering that hair grows, and in a month, maybe two, your hair will be fine.

on November 05, 2013  layalxo  2,573 said:

I dyed my beautiful brunette hair blonde and kept it up for a long time. I had nice long hair that needed to be chopped off to below my shoulders when I redyed it brown. During the redying process, my hair also went green because I let my (then) friend dye my hair and she is supposed to be a professional. I had green hair for about a week or two and decided to use a hair dye mousse which turned my hair bright pink, and fixed it to look burgundy. After cutting my hair however long after, I let my hair grow for 3 years before trimming. My hair has been trimmed twice since and I have nice beautiful long hair again, I could go for another trim though! I also have a habit of breaking off my breakage and split ends and cutting split ends with dull scissors. Lots of hair problems!!

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