#BeautyTalk Giveaway: Your 10 Beauty Commandments + Comment to Win!

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday November 18, 201341 comments

The idea of having a set list of rules for your beauty practices really appeals to me. I think it's essential to develop your own look and have a signature style. 

I recently came across these 10 beauty commandments and couldn't help but think they were on to something. I've been working on my personal list with ideas and rules to help me make the most of my look; to enhance what I've already got goin' on so to speak! 

We're all about sharing at CA, so here are the 10 commandments that inspired me to create my own in a fabulous pinnable design. I definitely stole a few of these gems for myself. Proof: I've written about this before and I am allllll about dem brows. 

Now we want to hear from you! What are some of the beauty rules you live by? Are they on this list? What would you add or take away? What are your commandments? Share them with us here or tweet them to us @ChickAdvisor with the hashtag #BeautyTalk for a chance to win! You could even do both - we love to chat with you! 
More by Alexandra C.
More on Eyes, Lips, Face, Skin Care, Contests

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on November 29, 2013  Shaunah  5,279 said:

I shall keep my hands off my face!

on November 26, 2013  jl13  2,934 said:

I pretty much follow them all, but am lapse at some from time to time and definitely need to be better at others.

Um, when I turned 39 somehow I got Andy Rooney eyebrows - what do I do with that??


on November 25, 2013  Gitty99  5,558 said:

I shall ALWAYS wear sunscreen, drink lots of water, and LOVE myself.

on November 25, 2013  Steffikah  9,295 said:

Lol I am guilty of all of these at some point or another. OOPS. I'm getting better at moisturizing and taking off my makeup, and I try to remember to wash my brushes. Progress!

on November 25, 2013  nicolthepickle  1,366 said:

I always take my makeup off before bed.
And though cliche it's true that a smile makes the biggest difference.

on November 24, 2013  midnightsun2288  6,053 said:

I shall wash my brushes
I shall exfoliate and moisturize
I shall curl my eyelashes
I shall pay attention to my eyebrows
I shall use a pore clearing mask more often
I shall buy eco-friendly, non-animal tested makeup
I will not go to sleep without taking my makeup off
I shall keep track of when my makeup expires
I shall be more adventurous with lip color
I shall straighten my hair less often

on November 24, 2013  Lynn hall  3,007 said:

I shall wash off my makeup at nightI shall moisturize everydayI shall exfoliate on a regular basisI shall drink lots of water everyday

on November 24, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

You have all of mine up here, but I'll also add I shall not pick at zits, or blackheads and I shall keep my hands away from my face.

on November 23, 2013  amyknows  2,352 said:

I totally agree with the brows. I used to neglect mine, but really, it totally makes or breaks your face. Also moisturize. When I was a teenager I used to say "my skin is too oily to moisturize." Silly me, I was neglecting my skin and all of the harsh cleansers and toners and no replenishing moisture was hurting it more than I thought. Now I moisturize daily, my skin and I are no longer in war with each other. AND I will drink 8 glasses of water a day. It's not only great for your skin, its great for your whole body!! I need to be better with taking my make up off before I go to bed though!

on November 21, 2013  haron  12,289 said:

Mine is also the same except for one extra I shall exfoliate regularly.

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