Buy/Borrow/Steal: The White Blazer Edition

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday July 4, 201162 comments

White is one of the trendiest colours for this spring and summer: Alexander Wang dressed his models head-to-toe in white; Alexander McQueen gave us a number of all-white looks as well; even at Chanel, white was heavily used as main pieces, as trim or in accessories.

From left: Chanel, Alexander Wang, Alexander McQueen

A crisp, well-tailored blazer is a staple item that every woman should own. For summer, why not try one in white? The white blazer can add a burst of freshness to an otherwise boring outfit. The look is chic, clean cut and definitely wearable for anyone. Just make sure to carry around your stain-remover stick… 

We've picked three white blazers at three different price points. The catch? We aren't telling you how much each one is or where we found them! Here's why:

1. Leave us a comment telling us which one you'd like to buy, which one you'd like to borrow and which one you'd like to steal!
2. If you are really feeling clever, tell us which one is the least expensive, which one is in the mid-range and which one is the most expensive. 

Remember that if you are not a member, you must leave your email address with your comment, why not become a member though? Register over here, it is super easy!
You have until Monday July 11th, 2011. That week, we will randomly select one of the comments to win a prize! Happy guessing!

Update! Here are the prices and brands for the three white blazers: 
Blazer #1: Smythe Linen One Button Jacket (US$575.00) 
Blazer #2: Banana Republic Sateen One Button Jacket (C$195.00)
Blazer #3: Forever 21 Striped French Cuff Blazer (C$33.80)

Are you surprised?
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on July 04, 2011  Inayaj  1,091 said:

I would like to buy 3 because it seems more versatile for dressing up or wearing casual and I love the roll-up sleeves. I would like to borrow 1 because it's very dressy but not sure with the silver button that I'd get as much use out of it - so what better what to find out than borrowing it? and I'd like to steal 2.

In terms of price, I think 1 is most expensive, followed by 3 followed by 2.

on July 04, 2011  Becky  13,128 said:

Who's coming up with these quiz questions? Creative! :)

1) I would like to buy 3, borrow 1 and steal 2. Because 3 has the rollup cuffs, has a bit of a casual feel which is my style, I'd like to own that. borrow 1 because its just so gorgeous and classy, very hard to pass up! And steal 2 because although it's pretty, compared to the other two its my least favourite, so steal this and if I get caught I can give it back and not feel too badly for giving it up ;-) haha

2) I think as far as expensive goes it's: 1, 3, 2.

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