Cake Pops, The Latest Celeb To Go Short & More

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Friday June 24, 201112 comments

This week on the Style Collective: Cake Pops are perfect for a backyard summer party, a tribute to a style icon, one starlet cuts her hair and a few more could use a new stylist. 

While we all love a sweet treat at a party, At Home With Kim Vallée attests that making and decorating cake pops is half the fun. 

And what better to wear to a cake decorating party than a fun printed dress. I Want I Got has a look at Toronto designer Zoran Dobric's Spring/Summer 2011 dresses and where you can get your own.

BeautyGeeks weighs in on Evan Rachel Wood's drastic haircut. We like it almost as much as we liked the last season of True Blood

Speaking of hair, Beauty Editor does not like the way some of Hollywood's leading ladies are styling their hair these days. We understand sometimes showering is a lot of effort, but on a red carpet it's kind of necessary. 
The girls at Coco & Lowe got glammed up for the Powerball at Toronto's Power Plant last week. We love her Zara "gown." We also wish we were invited to that party. 

Tina Chow is the ultimate muse according to I'm The It Girl. A connoisseur of minimalism and the picture of youth, Chow will always be remembered as a style icon. Did we mention Manolo Blahnik plays godfather to Chow's daughter?

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on March 16, 2016  kristinasimpson90  8,179 said:

bring back the weekly round up!

on June 27, 2011  GlamGal  2,378 said:

Cake Pops sound tasty! Where can I get one?

on June 24, 2011  spotty  4,021 said:

Yeah, I really like Olivia Wilde. I've not seen her movies but I love her from House. I agree - her current haircut is a but unfortunate.

on June 24, 2011  beachbabe  4,164 said:

I actually don't think Blake Lively's hair is that bad. The braid is a little too messy but she pulls it off. And I think the brooch is great! I should admit though that I have a slight girl crush on Blake Lively! haha I just love her.

on June 24, 2011  TammyK  1,073 said:

Hmm I prefer Olivia Wilde with her black hair more because it really showcased her eyes.

And of course the cake pops look so yummylicious!

on June 24, 2011  Bren  26,046 said:

I love that cake pop machine!So cute dipped and on sticks.

on June 24, 2011  MissLissa  3,972 said:

I can't seem to get a latte from Starbucks without leaving with a few cake pops. I'm so intrigued by the machine that I think I might pick one up and a doughnut one too!

on June 24, 2011  jskim07  50 said:

Those cake pops are so adorable!
I'm especially loving that dress in Coco&Lowe;though, that blue is beautiful with the blond hair!

on June 24, 2011  Siofan  50 said:

I am crazy for cake pops and always wondered how to make them! That machine is so cool. Awesome gift for a bridal shower.

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