ChickAdvisor Staff Beauty Secrets: Alexandra

We've all got them. We're all guilty of it. I'm talking about dirty little beauty secrets. Whether it's that you once over-plucked your brows into a permanent surprised expression or that you secretly covet those dollar store beauty bargains, we all have a few secrets when it comes to our own beauty routine. We thought it would be fun to let you in a few of our own!
There's actually a similar tag going around the YouTube and blogosphere called the 'Seven Deadly Sins of Beauty'. We took a few of their questions, changed them up a bit and added some of our own to come up with seven questions designed to get the dirt on our own beauty practices. First up, Alexandra takes her place in the hot seat!
Question 1: What are the most and least expensive beauty products you own?
Question 2: Which beauty product do you have a love/hate relationship with (or regret purchasing)?

Answer 1:
I actually don't own any uber expensive beauty products. The maximum I'll spend on a beauty product is about $50.00. So, this makes my most expensive item my Make Up For Ever HD Invisible Cover Foundation at (C$46.00). I definitely think a high price tag is worth it when it comes to a good foundation but I do have a limit.
The least expensive item I own is e.l.f. Essential Brightening Eye Color (US$1.00). At $1, you can't expect amazing results but it does deliver pretty darn good colour for a buck. e.l.f. is a brand that I think a lot of people dismiss, but when you consider the price, they're definitely worth another look.
Answer 2:
The first product I chose for this question is Benefit Benetint (C$36.00). Here's the thing about Benetint: it's a good product but it's not that good. It's a pretty stain, but it's not very pigmented and usually when I use it I end up using a powder over top; so what's the point? Even though it's multi-purpose and you can use it for both your cheeks and your lips, it doesn't come in practical packaging. I don't really like using something that I've used on both my face (with bacteria and oil) on my lips and you can't easily clean the brush. For $36, I'll pass on it.
The second product is Caudalie Beauty Elixir (C$18.00) which simultaneously makes me love and hate it. This product is a toner with a built in serum that you shake and spray on your face in the morning before applying moisturizer. I love that it smells amazing and it's refreshing, but I just can't shake the feeling that all I purchased was an extremely overpriced bottle of water. I've read so many reviews on it that say it's incredible. So it makes me wonder that if all these people love it, I must be doing something wrong, right? Or perhaps I haven't seen the results yet? Or maybe I'll only see the results when I stop using it? In any case, I'm trying to find a reason to love it and to justify spending $18 on a small spray bottle of water.
Question 3: Which product have you gone to great lengths to purchase?
Question 4: What beauty product/process do you neglect due to laziness?

Answer 3:
Going along the same lines as the Beauty Elixir, I read reviews about a serum called Alpha H Liquid Gold (C$43.30) for the longest time before finally biting the bullet and ordering it. I've been debating this purchase for the longest time and since you can't find it in Canada, I ordered it from a UK site. I am eagerly anticipating it's arrival at the moment!
Revlon Just Bitten Kissable Balm Stain (C$7.59) was just released in Canada but I've been checking my local drugstore since the moment I heard about it from U.S. bloggers that I follow. The other day, I did my routine Shoppers Drug Mart check in and there it was, in all it's glory! Of course, I picked up a deep red colour and I'm loving it so far.
Answer 4:
While I know, and can write article upon article on the importance of brush cleaning, I actually never, ever, ever clean my brushes. Bad Alexandra! This is made worse by the fact that I buy really inexpensive brushes so I actually just end up buying new ones out of pure laziness.
Question 5: What beauty product makes you feel the most confident?

Answer 5:
I've mentioned before that I deal with acne and blemish prone skin so my number one product is concealer. I'm really liking Benefit Boi-ing Concealer (C$26.00). It's a heavy duty concealer, much thicker and pigmented than most, so on days when I need more, it gives even coverage.
Question 6: Most embarrassing beauty blunder?

Answer 6:
My first beauty blunder I have a good excuse for. I was young so I am pleading ignorance. When I first starting wearing makeup, I wore blue eyeshadow. A lot of it. And it was glittery. I would show you a picture but unfortunately, I had them all burned.
My second beauty blunder I have no good excuse for except to plead temporary insanity brought on by heatstroke. This summer I got really into self tanners and bronzers. I had never really used them before so I was a total noob. I went a bit bronzer-happy one day and showed up to work looking a bit too orangey-brown. Mandy totally called me out on it in a tannervention.
Question 7: Do you have any weird beauty tips or practices?

Answer 7:
I once told Mandy about this weird beauty thing I do and she scolded me for a good ten minutes. Apparently it's very bad for you to do, so I don't recommend it (but I still do it anyways, so take that Mandy). To set my makeup, sometimes I will use a hair dryer to blow hot air on my face for 30 secs. I discovered this by accident one day when drying my wet hair. It sort of melts your makeup, making it look more natural and sets it into your skin.
So chicks, now I am turning it around to you and my fellow staffers! I'm going to be making sure that they get their turn in the spotlight, but in the meantime, I want you to let me in on some of your beauty secrets! Answer all or just one for me in the comments!
(additional images via,,,
Facebook Comments
![]() | @shanaz @steffikah My thoughts exactly ladies, what is SO bad about it, right??? I think maybe it clogs pores? But the heat really does help settle your makeup so I don't do it every day now but I'll still do it sometimes (whatever Mandy!) |
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![]() | I'm going to ask a semi stupid question - what's so bad about using the blow dryer on your face to set your makeup? Yes it goes deeper into your pores, but if you have a good cleanser, what's the problem? |
![]() | Blue eyeshadow: check. Over-tweezed eyebrows: check. Unwashed brushes: check. But in my defence it was my mother bought the blue eyeshadow for me as my first eyeshadow ever (and it was cream, sky-blue! yech!), first time tweezing ever and my best friend did it for me, no excuse about the brushes but laziness but at least I don't wear makeup more than twice a week (at most) so I guess its not that bad that I don't clean them more than once every 2 months. |
![]() | haha thats sound funny to use hair drier on face..midblowing:D |
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![]() | Haha this is probably the most interesting article that I have read on ChickAdvisor to date! Thanks, Alexandra |
![]() | I love these tags hahah |
![]() | I'm terrible at washing my brushes too!!! I think that's why I will ask for a brand new set for Christmas! Heehee! |
![]() | Very recently I went to a friend's kids bday party wearing my new Tarte amazonian clay foundation.. I was going for the 'bright lips' look so I had minimal eye makeup (just a thin liner and some taupy eyeshadow) and bright lips. Right. So I looked like the walking dead. The foundation looked like a deathly pale mask on my face and the red lips totally went with the dead vampire just drank blood look. I didn't realize it all night. I realized how bad I looked a few days later when my friend uploaded pics of me on facebook. I deactivated my fb account after that. |