Contests and Prizes: April 29 - May 5

Posted by Alexandra C. | Monday April 29, 20136 comments

Guess what today is? Monday! Which means that we've got our contests up right now! 

As per usual, we have two prize packs valued at C$40.00 each up for grabs. You can win one of these prize packs by entering in our weekly contests (linked below): 

Yay or Nay: This week, Gwen P is showing off some major side butt. Yup, it's a thing now. 

Review of the Week: Review a product in our Remedy category  to win! 

Since you gals are all old pros by now, I won't go into further details. Instead, enjoy this video of   lion, tiger & and hyena cubs:

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on May 02, 2013  ems001  9,343 said:

Done and done!!

Thanks for the prizes.

on May 01, 2013  Huskyfrompluto  2,153 said:

NAY - nobody could pull that off except maybe Lady Gaga!
I think that's enough for now!!!

on April 29, 2013  fredamans  12,209 said:

I see sparkles!!!

on April 29, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

I love this video! Tigers are my favourite, but they're all so cute. Who doesn't love babies.

Good luck on this weeks contest everyone!!

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