Creative and Cute 'Save The Date' Ideas For Your Wedding

Posted by Alexandra C. | Thursday March 7, 201317 comments

Though it doesn't get nearly enough credit, 'save the date' cards are actually one of the most important parts of the wedding. Well, like after the proposal and the actual wedding, I guess. But seriously, think about it, if you didn't send out save the dates, no one would come to the wedding! Obviously, they're an essential part of making sure your big day is just that. 

So why not get creative with them? They're the first impression you give to your guests. So make it fun and representative of your love and your wedding's theme. 

Here are a few crazy creative ideas to get you started: 

1. Paper Dolls: I love the vintage style and how playful this is! 

2. Album: This one takes a little more work, but a custom album cover would be great to frame after the wedding too. 

3. Match Book: My favourite part of this is the amazing potential for puns! 

1. Temporary Tattoos: Maybe everyone will wear it to the wedding? These are available on Etsy, but you can also DIY tattoos: here's a tutorial

2. Movie Poster: I think this would be especially sweet if you chose a movie that you saw together on a date or maybe a mutually loved film. 

3. Balloon: The best part is, they'll have to blow it up! 
1. Thumbprint Invite: These are actually available on Etsy but we also think you could easily DIY it for a personalized, unique touch! 

2. Bottle Label: This is a hot sauce, but I imagine you could custom create a label (which is actually pretty simple to do yourself or to get a professional printer to do) for anything. Wine bottle, perhaps? Your guests will love that they are also receiving a little gift. 

3. Decoder Invite: Part secret agent spy, part quirky fun and anything that makes your guests put on ridiculous glasses is good by me.  

1. Library Card: I love how it chronicles the couples history together. 

2. Magnet: They'll have to remember the wedding now that their save the date is on the fridge.

3. Lego Couple: For the couple that are truly kids at heart! 

Did/would/will you get creative with your invites or save the date cards for your wedding?
More by Alexandra C.
More on Weddings, DIY

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on April 28, 2013  LittleMonroe1  4,057 said:

Im loving the fingerprint heart and the library card ideas.

on March 21, 2013  Occasions In Print said:

These are great! My favorite is the old school library check out card!

on March 13, 2013  Racenhawk  2,704 said:


on March 13, 2013  Jo999  4,347 said:

Omg I love this it's all so cute!!!!

on March 12, 2013  Trisha Sue said:

The vintage style paper doll looks so adorable.

on March 08, 2013  kimmykup  969 said:

Love all of these ideas !
I'll have to look more into the record and the decoder ones for whenever it is I get married, they look so cool ! But of course they're probably the hardest to do - oh well, bring it on :P

on March 07, 2013  LissaG  6,010 said:

The thumbprint heart is sooo cute! They're all pretty spectacular though

on March 07, 2013  smiley_gen  9,832 said:

Oh wow! I'm loving all these ideals...specially the Mr and Mrs Smith spoof!!! I may just have to save this one as an option!

on March 07, 2013  fredamans  12,209 said:

I love the fingerprint heart idea!

on March 07, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

Not something I have a need for, but its a cute idea.

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