Desk Makeover on a Budget - Part 1: Alexandra

I am not what you might typically call a "clean person". I wouldn't say that I'm unorganized. There is a method to my madness, afterall. My floor is often littered with laundry and my workspace in the office isn't much better. I'm somewhat of (ok, totally) a pack-rat and we receive a lot of products. Most of these find their way to my desk, with the sole purpose of cluttering it. Wherever I go, mess is sure to follow.
With my desk in such a state of disarray, I thought it was high time for a makeover. I wanted a system to keep my papers and files organized and I needed space to jot down notes and keep important documents. We don't have shelves or drawers around the desks at work, so I also needed to figure out how to organize all the various beauty products that come my way. I need these at the ready (hand creams, lip balms) as well as pens and pencils. Lastly, I needed to figure out what the heck to do with my purse.
Here are the 'Before' photos of my desk:

So, as you can see, I have a lot crap, to put it eloquently. And it's everywhere. Most of what was on my desk, I don't need. Besides the mess, I like colour and I was bored looking at blank walls. Although my taped up photos are a bit lacklustre. I decided to tackle my desk woes with a trip to the dollar store! I was on a budget for my desk makeover and I wanted to everything I needed at a good price!
Did I succeed?
Check out my 'After' photos:

Much cleaner, no?
I love colour and fun stuff so I am all about the toys and knick knacks and lovely things to look at. I bought (1.) stick on flowers for $1.00. For any papers and press releases that come in, I purchased (2.) a magazine holder for $1.25. I bought (3.) a few small tubs to keep pens, pencils and whatever other items I needed for my desk (nail file, gum) for $2.00 total. I wanted something to keep my purse in and because I keep a few pairs of shoes at work, I wanted a system for this. I found (4.) a crate-like cube for $2.50 (close up shot below).

My favourite section
To write down notes about upcoming articles and to-do lists, I bought a (1.) dry erase board for $1.25. I have a chalkboard on my wall at home and I swear, it is the only thing that keeps me sane. Also, I can use it to doodle (yay)! For a bit of prettiness, I found some empty mason jars and filled them with (2.) fake flowers $1.25 and twinkle lights $2.00. I added a (4.) tea light candle holder for $1.00 and two (3.) picture frames at $2.50 that I put some editorial shots I really liked in. Lastly, I put up a clip board to hang important papers or pictures.
Not pictured: batteries for $1.00, scotch stick-on squares for $1.50 and more flowers at $2.50 total
More detail shots:

In total I spent 24.75 plus taxes - more than I anticipated, but I went a bit overboard on the decorations, sue me. My work desk is where I spend 8 hours a day so it might as well look good!
Next week, Ali will be taking on the challenge and trying to makeover her own desk!
What do you think of my desk makeover? How do you keep your work space looking clean and organized?