DIY Beauty: Create Your Own Tinted Lip Balm

Posted by Alexandra C. | Thursday January 19, 201228 comments

Like my lipgloss? I call it, 'The Alexandra'- it's one of my favourite colours and it's the perfect shade for me. How did I get such a fabulous and unique tinted balm? I DIY'd it of course!

Earlier this week we tested using old eyeshadows and pigments to create a one-of-a-kind nail polish, and now I'm going to show you how to easily create a tinted balm. It's another great way to reuse old makeup and to get a DIY fix in a hurry. 
What you'll need: 

Petroleum jelly (Vaseline) or glycerine 
Essential Oil 
Mixing tools 

Before you start:

Have your petroleum jelly ready and set aside in small bowl, if you are using glycerine, this will create a much more liquid consistency, better if you want to create a gloss instead of a balm. 

Step 1: If you are using a pressed eyeshadow, crush it finely (ignore this step if you're using a loose pigment).

Step 2: Add crushed eyeshadow to the jelly and mix well. 

Step 3: Add an essential oil to your mixture for scent, I am using my peppermint essential oil from the DIY lip scrub.

Step 4: Transfer to a small container and enjoy!

What do you guys think of my new lip balm?

I'm pretty happy with my results. The colour I am wearing now is a mixture of my magenta and purple-red colour. Because I used eyeshadows with glitter in them, my lips have an extra sheen which I am really loving. 

What do you think of this? Would you try it out?
More by Alexandra C.
More on Eyes, Lips, Face, DIY

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on January 19, 2012  beautyinfinitum  2,817 said:

Great recipe! Just make sure the pigments/eyeshadows are lip safe -- you can look up the ingredients to find out whether they comply with your country's regulations.. Ferric ferocyanide is sometimes in eyeshadows and it's not lip-safe. I'm not sure if it poses a great risk, but better to be safe than sorry :)

on January 19, 2012  AlexJC  50 said:

@amyknows I found all these containers (for toners and lip products) at the local dollar store (dollarama for canadians!). They come in a pack of 3 lip containers and I think 3 or 4 small shampoo/spray bottles for about $2- it is honestly one of the best dollar store purchases I have ever made!

However- if you are looking for a large quantity for diehard DIY'ers, I suggest ebay or amazon!

on January 19, 2012  amyknows  2,352 said:

I love these ideas! I have this weekend off finally, I think its time to finally try em out! Where do you find the containers, Alex?

on January 19, 2012  shellsbells85  3,580 said:

oooo I likey!!! I never even thought of this after making the nailpolish for so long...I have all the ingredients so I might as well! thanks for sharing! :) xx

on January 19, 2012  AlexJC  50 said:

As per @takoda's request ;) -> a picture of me too!

on January 19, 2012  Nik05  7,949 said:

Another great idea Alex. :) I used to make my own glosses and balms with eye shadows I didn't wear anymore. I used to mix together other lipstick colours and glosses for my own unique shades as well.

on January 19, 2012  AlexJC  50 said:

@takoda You should be totally fine, most lip and nail colours are made with pigments and eyeshadows are basically the same thing. The only time I wouldn't use an eyeshadow was if it was very, very old or if you used it while you had an eye condition or if you had used it mostly with your fingers (not a brush)

on January 19, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

I don't know
where you come up with these idea's Alex, but they sure are cool. You should
post a pic of you with this lip gloss on so we can see how it looks on you. I
was wondering if using old makeup for these DIY projects has caused any bad
reactions in anyone. They say we should toss our old stuff out for many
reasons. I've never had a bad reaction from using old makeup, but I do know
someone that has. Even though you’re not putting the old shadow on your eyes I
was wondering if it could still give your lips, nails, or where ever its bin
reused on a bad reaction?

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