DIY Beauty: How to Make Dry Shampoo

Posted by Alexandra C. | Wednesday September 12, 201222 comments

Let's be honest with each other for a sec. I (and I think can safely say we) don't wash my (our) hair everyday. Some days, it might even be a little oily (gasp!). I would like to say that my disdain for hair washing comes from a strict beauty routine and not wanting to strip my hair of it's natural oils. The truth is far less glamorous though, it boils down to pure laziness. 

Dry shampoo soaks up all that oil and dirt and gives your hair texture and a fresh scent. It's basically my best friend in a bottle. I like to constantly have a supply of dry shampoo on hand. Only sometimes, this doesn't work out and I'm left with greasy hair and no bottle of my best friend in sight. Now, did you know that you can easily DIY dry shampoo with just a few household ingredients? 

It is possible to use baby powder for dry shampoo when you're in a pinch. However, this also means some time spent combing and brushing it through for the brunette ladies. This recipe combats that cleverly, so read on ladies: 

Here's what you'll need: 

For darker hair: 1/2 cup of cocoa powder and 2 tablespoons of corn starch
For lighter hair: 1/2 cup of corn starch and 2 tablespoons of baking soda 

Now, here's what you do: mix them together. It's that simple! 

For a fresh scent, you'll can add one to two drops of essential oil. You can find essential oils at most grocery or health food stores. 

Once you've mixed everything together, store in spice jars. This way you can shake it onto your hair without the mess! These jars are US$2.99 for 2 and you can find similar ones at the dollar store. 

(additional images via, recipe adapted from
More by Alexandra C.
More on Hair, DIY

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on September 14, 2012  crysrob  1,881 said:

That is really interesting. Didn't know you could make your own. When my father was ill, I wish I had known about this as sometimes it was very hard to wash his hair in the bed. Love the essential oil part for a fresh scent.

on September 12, 2012  angelaj20  81,680 said:

I stopped using dry shampoo long ago. It is very costly, doesn't last long (always have to go out and by more), aresols are disgusting, and they didn't help with the oil in my hair. I have been using baby powder. This works fantastically, very cheap, bottles last a very very long time, makes my hair smell, and absorbs the oil. I have blonde hair so it really blends in. However, if you have darker hair, maybe the coco powder would help.

on September 12, 2012  Steffikah  9,295 said:

Cocoa powder? Chocolate scented brunette hair? Hmm... Nice. This is certainly interesting. Thanks!

on September 12, 2012  scrbic  17,483 said:

I need to try this! I was actually thinking of it last night and just used baby powder instead.. lol!

on September 12, 2012  Tiffmorris  1,792 said:

You can even just use the corn starch on its own.

on September 12, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

Excellent idea!I would add Rosemary essential oil it is fantastic for hair.

on September 12, 2012  fredamans  12,209 said:

Have to try this sometime.... thanks!

on September 12, 2012  Karen Lea  628 said:

Wow, thank you...Dry Shampoo is so expensive and this is a good eco and budget saving choice!!!

on September 12, 2012  aileenc  484 said:

You can just use baby powder / talc and make sure you dab it on, and brush it through, or you will end up with grey roots...

on September 12, 2012  laulau21  534 said:

Thats a great idea. I've been using dry shampoo for a year or so, and always have to run to the store for more. Now I'll just have to run to the kitchen :)

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