DIY Beauty: Overnight Acne Treatment

Posted by Alexandra C. | Thursday November 7, 201322 comments

Remember that AH-MAZING Asian acne absorbing spot treatment I found (slightly by accident) and fell in love with? I love it a little too much and ran out recently. My skin has been seriously parched lately (it's like a desert), so I've been looking for a new spot treatment that I can use only on a pimple so it won't dry out the rest of my face. There's a ton of buzz about Mario Badescu Drying Lotion and it has a bit of a cult following. I've never tried it but always wanted to, so when I found a DIY version of it, it seemed like a perfect way to introduce myself.

This DIY contains the same two active ingredients as Drying Lotion: tea tree oil and calamine. You know all about my love for tea tree oil by now. It is antibacterial and makes for a super intense acne fighter. Calamine is soothing for inflammation and also dries and shrinks pimples. 

It's super simple to make and including all the materials, it will cost you about $10 (and that will give you enough to make a few batches of the product). Each batch should last about 6 months. 

So, want to get to busting those bumps? Here's what you'll need: 

Tea Tree Oil 
Small Bowl 
Small Bottle with Screw Top (I used an airplane travel-size bottle from the dollar store)  
Dropper (optional) 
Cotton Swab (For applying) 

Pro Tip: In place of tea tree oil, you can use witch hazel which also contains antibacterial properties, but isn't as powerful and you won't need to dilute it. 

Step 1: Pour calamine into bottle, about 1/3 of the way and leave to the side to settle. I just free poured but you could also use a dropper.

Step 2 + 3: In the small bowl, combine your tree tea oil and water (this makes sure the tea tree oil isn't too powerful). Your solution should be 2 parts tea tree oil, 1 part water. You'll need enough to fill the rest of the bottle. 

Step 4: Once the calamine has settled, pour or use a dropper to add the oil-water solution to the calamine. I pulled a second grade move and used a straw to do the same job as a dropper. The liquids may mix, which is fine, let it settle for a few hours before using. It should separate in bottle. 

Final Product:

Because this has calamine which dries to a chalky white hue, you should use this overnight. Because this product is a DIY and not a bought product, it doesn't contain preservatives, so avoid contamination with your fingers and dip a cotton swab into the bottle instead. Then dab the product onto your problem areas. 

Have you tried Drying Lotion before? Would you try this DIY out? 
More by Alexandra C.
More on Skin Care, DIY

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on November 08, 2013  crowjane37  5,483 said:

Why the heck wouldn't you shake it?.. this really doesn't make too much sense. I make quite alot of homemade products and have never been told to "let it settle"; that is usually what you try to avoid.
Also, this is more expensive than it seems, as a small (50ml) bottle of tea tree oil tends to run for 15$ here in Canada.
Otherwise why wouldn't you just dip a q-tip in calamine then use the dropper already in the tea tree oil (or turn it upside down; the bottles are generally designed to allow only a drop or two out at once as it is so powerful) to add a drop to your q-tip of calamine.. quite a lot less wasting of tea tree oil!

on November 08, 2013  mysticaleyez  6,820 said:

Thanks, I'll try it out

on November 08, 2013  AlexJC  50 said:

@bubblybunny The calamine lotion soothes, is anti-inflammatory and dries out any spots. The calamine will settle to the bottom and you won't need to shake it. I use a Q tip and dip it into the bottle all the way down to the bottom and then pull it out so I get all the layers of water, tea tree and calamine.

on November 08, 2013  gayleenlam  2,313 said:

I used to use toothpaste, which also helped to dry out the break-out, plus you smelled minty fresh all nite. lol :)

on November 07, 2013  Bubblybunny  4,709 said:

I'm definitely going to try this!! Quick question: Do you shake before using (to mix the 2 layers)? If not, then what's the purpose of adding so much calamine lotion to the bottle...?? I'm confused.

on November 07, 2013  wendyroy  25,308 said:

I am definitely going to bookmark this for my next break-out!

on November 07, 2013  flower  4,433 said:

I haven't tried this

on November 07, 2013  Cassie_  2,311 said:

I want to try this tonight! Thanks for the tip!

on November 07, 2013  fredamans  12,209 said:

Sounds like a valuable DIY to know about. I use a Proactiv zapper for those pesky spots, but this might be cheaper in the long run.

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