DIY: How to Add Glitter To Your Shoes

Posted by Alexandra C. | Thursday November 24, 201122 comments

I'm starting a 'Glitter/Sequin/Sparkle Appreciation Society' (p.s. that's GSSAS for short) and you're all invited to join! 

It's no secret that I have a deep love for all that glitters and I'm not shy about sharing that love! A few months ago, I shared an obsession for a pair of glittery Miu Miu pumps which got me thinking- why couldn't I find a less expensive alternative to this pair of shoes? 

I decided to do some research and come up with an easy DIY recipe for these babies. There are a few different ways to go about glitterfying a pair of shoes however, this is one I found simplest. 

Here's what you'll need: 
- A Pair of Shoes (leather or fake leather) 
- Craft Glitter 
- White Glue (PVA glue) 
- Spray adhesive 
- Foam paint brushes 
- Painter's tape 

Before you start: 

For the sake of ease, we're going to only be glitter DIY'ing the heels of our pumps. Take your painter's tape and tape off sections of your shoes that you do not want glittered. I taped off end of my heel, and the back heel. 

Step 1: Use your foam paint brush to paint on an even, thin coat of the white glue. You can paint in sections or the entire heel all at once.

Step 2: Sprinkle or gently glitter over top of the wet glue. This will be your first coat so it doesn't need to be perfect. Lightly tap off excess and let dry for a couple of hours or overnight. 

Step 3: Once shoes are dry, lightly tap shoe once again to get rid of excess. Apply another coat of glitter using the same method. Let dry. If needed or if you want a thick, opaque glitter, apply another coat and once again, let dry for the same length of time.

Step 4: Once dry, apply spray adhesive over glittered area. 

Tip: You may want to keep the painter's tape on while applying the spray adhesive because spray adhesive does build up a film on the applied area. Be careful not to glue the tape to the shoe though! 

Step 5: After everything is dry, peel off tape and tap off any excess so you don't leave a trail of glitter behind you (not that that's a bad thing!). You're ready to rock your new glitterfied shoes lovely lady! 

More by Alexandra C.
More on Shoes, DIY

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on November 24, 2011  doremi.  549 said:

Look great!
Instead of using white glue you could also use Mod Podge!

on November 24, 2011  LadyChick234234  3,701 said:

I agree with Suelyn....not for me but good for Halloween.

on November 24, 2011  Aliza  14,011 said:


on November 24, 2011  takoda  28,648 said:

Alex, your just so crafty, nice job!

on November 24, 2011  AlexJC  50 said:

@ladyflash - DIY glitter your flats too!!!! Just be sure to apply your painter's tape inside your shoe and around the edges. If you have a buckle and you can easily remove it, remove it, glitter it separately and then reattach!

on November 24, 2011  LadyFlash  8,899 said:

If I wore heels I would definitely do this! They're so cute for a special occasion :)

on November 24, 2011  Bren  26,046 said:

Very creative!I would have never thought to do something like that..I think it looks cute to :) You can get shoes super cheap at thrift stores to experiment on..and all kinds of sparkly/crafty stuff at dollar stores so this would be super cheap to make.. thanks for sharing

on November 24, 2011  AlexJC  50 said:

P.S. This pair of shoes was an older pair, they cost me $50 at the time, but I have had them for at least 4 years. The supplies for this craft cost about $4!

on November 24, 2011  PDladybug  2,868 said:

It looks like a fun and inexpensive idea for a special occasion, but I would only dare to do this on a relatively cheap pair of heels.

on November 24, 2011  The Fashion P.A.  1,255 said:

Fun DIY, I want to try it!!!

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