DIY with Honey: 3 Bath & Hair Remedies

Posted by Cathy | Monday October 18, 20103 comments

Many women swear by honey in their beauty routine.  It's a common ingredient in many delectable beauty products because its an excellent natural moisturizer and conditioner.  While many of us aren't brave (or skilled) enough for do-it-yourself hair cuts and bikini waxes, we love using honey for easy DIY skin and hair treatments

We've talked about using it as a face mask: now try these other honey DIY's: 

Body Scrub: Kristen Bell (NBC's Heroes) mixes honey with a few scoops of brown sugar and uses the concoction as a body scrub.  Whip up a big batch and keep it in the shower for daily use.

Bath: Add a few tablespoons of honey in a warm bath and relax in the sweet scent - easy!

Hair: For soft and shiny hair, mix 1-2 teaspoons of honey with 4 cups of warm water and gently massage through your hair after shampooing and conditioning.  No need to rinse!

Not into DIY-ing?  Try these store-bought alternatives:

Bath & Body Works Organic Honey Pear Body Scrub ($22) buffs and nourishes your skin.

Lush Honey Bee Bath Bomb ($6.40) naturally moisturizes and softens and leaves a delicious smelling blend of honey and caramel.  Mmm.

The Body Shop Rainforest Moisture Hair Butter ($14) uses organic and fair trade honey as a key ingredient to moisturize and condition your hair and scalp.

Do you use honey as a beauty product?  See what ChickAdvisor members had to say about honey here and add your own suggestions!
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on October 20, 2010  cathy3087  98 said:

I love a glass of warm milk and honey before bed in the winter - it's so soothing!

on October 20, 2010  AnnaV  1,018 said:

I love honey and I love the idea of putting it in your warm bath. The Bath & Body Works Organic Honey Pear Body Scrub is amazing! I'm not sure about putting it in my hair though. I guess I'll have to try it sometime and hope it doesn't get oily.

on October 18, 2010  Bren  26,046 said:

Im a big believer in the wonders of honey I use it all the time.Bath,face,hair you bet!I love seeing this blog WTG whoever added this one!Heres a few more tips of the wonders of honey

-Great on wounds and burns(antibacterial and reduces swelling)
-takes the sting out of a sunburn
-great acne fighter helps reduce pimples
-a must have for a sore throat
-been known to cure stomach ulcers

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