Do You Love Your Tiny Ta-tas?

Last week New York published a piece on small breasted women and the pressure we often feel to fit in. While padded bras or elective surgeries were the preferred remedy in the late nineties and early 2000s, these days women with wee ones may be changing their tune. The Times suggests women are increasingly proud of their bodies, choosing to celebrate the way we look rather than lament on a lackluster cup size. Is this true of you?
I've never had an ample chest - to put it mildly. I remember being made fun of over it in elementary school when all of my friends were getting training bras while I was still fitting into children's clothes. The boys in my class made sure to tell me (and anyone in earshot) that the walls were jealous of my flat chest. Thoughtful, yes?
Being burned as a kid made me feel inadequate about it as an adult when all of my beautiful big bosomed friends had cleavage to flaunt and I needed a super push-up bra to force the sisters together... and I'd still fail the pencil test.
Though I've always thought my breasts were rather nice looking, I was self-conscious enough that I considered plastic surgery. I went for my consultation, listened as the Doctor recommended D cups to - as he put it, "balance out your behind", and then explained how they'd need to be replaced a minimum of every 10 years. For some reason, bodies don't like having silicon bags forced under the skin. Imagine that! Pectoral muscles will eventually squeeze those little bags empty, harden them into soccer balls surrounded by scar tissue or worse - try to force them out in very wonky looking ways.
After that consultation I decided there would be no operation. The girls would remain as they are: small, lovely and authentically mine.
Do I still sometimes wish the Boob Fairy would pay me a visit? Absolutely! But more than that, I'm grateful that I have a healthy strong body, that I don't have back problems and I didn't let a Doctor take a scalpel to two perfectly lovely natural breasts.
What are your thoughts? Do you love your tiny ta tas? Are fake boobs out?
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![]() | Mine busted out this year from a 32B to a 34C (at the ripe old age of 23) and I'm astonished. My bf loved them both ways, though, and that invested me with so much more acceptance and very, very little self-conscious issues. I recently started buying "real" bras which look and feel so much better than the La Senza 3 for 25$ deals I used to use... The 30$ bras.. And recently I busted out the credit card to try out their ultimate cleavage bra and their ultimate push-up. Both do a beautiful job of making my moderately sized bosom look full and glorious - and even gave me my first no-hands-involved cleavage. To have tools like that (because they are tools) at my disposal that I can simply remove at the end of a day and revert back to normalcy whenever I like is great. I honestly don't want big breasts, but sometimes it's nice to look like I have something to talk about! ;3 |
![]() | I was an early blossomer and started blooming at the young age of 9. By 13 I was already able to fit into a 36B, when all my friends were not even close to the progress I had already made, and that made me feel self conscious. I remember always slouching because I didn't want to be different. Now at a C, I love my sisters, but they still get in the way a lot while playing sports (heck, I have an extra step when doing my golf swing, and that's squishing them together between my arms so I can hold the club properly!). |
![]() | i LuV MuH A CuPz...LoL |
![]() | I would have to say I've always had a love for Victoria Beckham, I mean she was a Spice Girl and in my eyes is married to one of the hunkiest men in the world! But, besides that fact I do have to say that it's clear she has gotten her breasts done. And, a few of my friends have as well and they did not turn out like that. Poor Vic. didn't listen to the doctor's orders about massaging them everyday so they don't form scar tissue and turn the implant into a hard circle. I love her but she needs them re-done. |
![]() | My 'girls' aren't huge and I'm proud of them. To be honest I am kind of glad as well, since I know of a few people who have had issues like back problems, or just feeling uncomfortable with huge breasts. I don't think I will ever consider getting implants, it just seems unnecessary, painful and invasive to me (although like the other chicks said I totally support the ladies who have had breast cancer.) |
![]() | I know how awkward it can be to have body proportions that are out of whack. When wearing a great bra, I look a certain way. If I go completely without a bra, I look drastically different. I have had 3 babies, all of whom I nursed. While I haven't changed bra sizes, the elasticity and overall shape has changed quite a bit. I never considered surgery before having kids, but now I understand the temptation differently. Bathing suits pose the biggest problem - I need a small size for the top and a larger one for my tush. Of course, now that I've had 3 kids, I'm not really wearing bikinis anymore anyway! |
![]() | I don't think boobs make a woman and even though we as women like to get attention and be admired I personally wouldn't want all that attention to be focused on that part of my body! Beside that I'm a tiny girl so I would look absolutely ridculous with implants! That being said, I have not had children so I see the dilemma for some women in terms of sagging and wanting some lift. |
![]() | Seems as though lately when celebrities opt for plastic surgery, it's in a much more subtle way. The trend for looking fake is really dying out. I can respect why some women get implants, but I personally am not into it |
![]() | When I was younger I had 36 c's, but after I had my two boys they just vanished on me. I don't know how, or why the boob fair took my girls away, but they're gone now. I'm now just a 34b now and need something in my bra to help prove they're even there, but I don't mind. I have thought about having them put back the way they were through the years. That is if I ever won the money to do so, but to tell you the truth, I don't think I would bother to even if I did win the lottery. Just the thought of having something like that in my body isn't for me. I think that it's more important to be happy with who I am, to make sure my girl's stay health and to be happy with what I can do for others then it is to have fake girl's. We all need to be strong health woman and just be thankful for what we do have, not worrying about what we don't have. |
![]() | I like mine the way they are-an average 36C. About 2 years ago, I considered getting a lift and implants but they are quite the hassle apparently-a lot of maintenance. |