Elderly Couple Donates $11.2M Lotto Winnings

Posted by Claire | Monday November 8, 20105 comments
What would you if you won an $11.2 Million jackpot? 

image credit: Atlantic Lottery

Violet and Allen Large of Lower Truro, Nova Scotia gave almost all of the lottery prize away to charity.  Their numbers came up during a particularly tough time in their lives: Violet, 78, is battling cancer and had recently undergone surgery and chemotherapy.

But instead of using the money to pay their own bills, the couple took a week to consider, then donated the bulk of their fortune to the Red Cross, Salvation Army, hospitals, churches, fire departments and other worthy causes on their wish lists.  While they spent some of the prize helping family members, they kept only a small portion for themselves as a rainy day fund.

"That money that we won was nothing," said Allen, 75, choking back tears. "We have each other."

"What you’ve never had, you never miss," adds Violet.

Are you inspired by this story?  We at ChickAdvisor encourage you to remember the less fortunate as we head toward the holiday season.
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on November 08, 2010  Katie said:

Wow, I don't think most of us would have the guts to give away that much cash. I really admire them. We need more people in the world like this.

on November 08, 2010  jchang212  106 said:

I read about this in last Friday's Metro News on the way to work. I was very touched :) If I ever won the lottery I think I'd still save up what I need to pay off or start a savings for the things that I'll prob need in the future, and then give the rest away. Let's hope greed doesn't take over me if I ever do win!

on November 08, 2010  Bren  26,046 said:

WOW!What a story now that is true love right there!

on November 08, 2010  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

I love this story. This kind of others centric thinking is rare and much needed.

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