Ex-Boyfriends, FaceBook, & Why I Won't Go There

Posted by Nora | Tuesday December 7, 201027 comments

The past seven days have officially been Ex-Boyfriend Week.

Ex-Boyfriend Week is a magical time when former loves suddenly reappear in your e-mail inbox, text messages or Facebook feed, trying to see if the space they had formerly occupied in your life has been filled.

It’s as if every time I kiss a boy on the mouth, I equip him with a radar that alerts him when I’ve begun to see somebody new (more on that later, maybe).

Usually, these are benign check-ins.  This week featured a text message telling me that a trip to Pittsburgh had reminded him of me (REALLY?!), an e-mail asking how I’ve been, and a Facebook post with a funny link.

Now, I am open to love in all of its forms: friendship, puppies, little babies, lifelong lovers and newlyweds. I’m also a firm believer in boundaries, but unfortunately the Internet doesn’t care about that and delivered me a friend request from the boy whose breakup preceded my exit from New York City.

Nearly a year and a half have gone by since we parted ways and probably 8 months since we last spoke.  In that time I’ve loved again and again, I’ve broken hearts and almost broke my arm once (which is unrelated but completely badass). I’ve created the life I wanted to have and filled it with people and experiences that make me wake up thankful every day.

The friend request didn’t come with an apology or even hello.  It signified that he was simply requesting access to a peephole into my life, no interaction required.  That’s hardly friendship, even with an Internet definition.

As much as I believe in an abundance of love, I believe that I have a finite amount of emotional real estate, and there simply just isn’t any more space available for a passive observer.

Friend request rejected.

How do you deal with exes after a breakup?

by Nora McInerny
More by Nora
More on Relationships

Facebook Comments


on December 07, 2010  Becky  13,128 said:

lol cd .. i think it does :-P

on December 07, 2010  cd said:

Does forwarding this blog to the ex that requested friendship on FB which was discreetly rejected nullify the discreet rejection?

on December 07, 2010  meredithk115  4,186 said:

they are ex boyfriends for a reason.


on December 07, 2010  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

I only have one ex boyfriend on Facebook. He's a good person and it was many years ago. The others... no thanks!

on December 07, 2010  nora said:

ali, that trip to the hospital was the coolest i've ever been.
j-for the record, my friend to never-speak-to-you-again ratio is about
10-2. not too shabby
lp taught me how to pretend people are dead. she's my lifecoach.

on December 07, 2010  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

Nora, you kill me! "I’ve broken hearts and almost broke my arm once (which is unrelated but completely badass)."

Ip, someone in the office read your response out loud and we're all laughing!

on December 07, 2010  jchang212  106 said:

Haha! Ip, your comment made me laugh :P

I only have 1 ex, but we're still friends, and I really appreciate that. It's a nice to know that I didn't lose a friend. :)

on December 07, 2010  lp said:

they're all dead to me.

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