Fashion Needs You

I did a short video piece on this - which I'm not linking to because of it's sheer badness (student quality, old equipment), but it is an imporant topic that still needs action - from all of us.
The Fashion Design Council and MPP Cheri DiNovo are taking matters into their own hands and demaning fashion design be included in the ministry of Culture's mandate.
You can help by copying this blurb below and sending it in an email to [email protected] and please cc: [email protected]
Ms. DiNovo – That, in the opinion of this House, the mandate of the Ontario Ministry of Culture should be amended to include Fashion Design and recognize the significant contribution the fashion industry has made to Ontario’s cultural sector. The mandate of the Ministry of Culture should also reflect the recognition afforded the fashion industry and fashion designers by both the Federal Department of Canadian Heritage, along with the Quebec Ministry of Culture, which both recognize the contribution fashion design has made to Canada’s reputation as a dynamic and diverse centre of culture and the arts. Filed on March 19, 2007 Sincerely, (fill in Name and Title)
For more info about this, visit and click on the link that says Fashion Needs You.