First Impression Review: We're Taking The Inhibitif Challenge Part 1

Posted by Alexandra C. | Tuesday November 12, 201312 comments

My season is fall/winter. By that, I don't mean that my favourite season is fall or winter. I mean that I werk fall and winter. I own this season - I just look better. In fall and winter I get to wear pants, sweaters and skirts and tights. I don't mean to toot my own horn, but skirts and tights are my thang. Also my thang? Not shaving. And with all my tight and pant wearing, I never have to! Oh, how I love not shaving. Here's the problem though: hair. Because you know what else I love? That silky smooth leg feeling. So you see, I'm in a bit of a Romeo and Juliette situation here. My two loves can never be together. 

Until now. GAME CHANGER, LADIES. I heard about a new product from the UK called Inhibitif which seemed like the solution to my Shakespearean themed issue. In science terms, Inhibitif is a serum that prevents stimuli that boost follicular growth during the active hair growth phase. Think of it like a street light that turns red when hair starts to press on the gas pedal. Inhibitif uses three active ingredients (and beware this is kind of a sciencey nerdy mouthful): lauryl isoquinolinium bromide, dihydromycerin and pseudoal teromonas ferment. It also contains maize propanediol and aloe to help with absorption and skin comfort.

Hair will either appear to stop growing, grow slower or to a lesser degree over a period of time with continued use. Now, Inhibitif takes about 8 weeks to become noticeable, though some have noticed a difference in just 2 weeks! 

So, this all sounds pre-tty darn awesome, amirite? With Christmas break around the corner, which means hot spot vacays for some of us, having effortlessly silky smooth legs would be a dream come true. And while winter is coming up, I'm seeing ahead to next spring and having great legs by next year also sounds good to me. 
With all this in mind, I started my Inhibitif challenge! I've been using it for about three weeks. Now, because it takes 8 weeks to use, I can't give you my results just yet, however I can give you a first impression of the product. I'll be updating you lovely chicks in this article halfway through and I'll be sure to give you my final results.

What do I make of Inhibitif so far?

I had a difficult time remembering to use the spray. Inhibitif should be sprayed over freshly shaved or waxed legs. Then applied twice daily. I find it works best to work into your routine. After the second week, it became a habit. After the spray dries, I apply my moisturizer like usual. I found that the spray tends to dry out my already parched skin (it's like a desert), so this is essential. 

I have noticed a slight difference in how fast my hair grows. It's also definitely less thick and coarse. My hair itself is softer and running my hands over it, it doesn't seem as prickly. Inhibitif is only about $30.00 which makes it accessible and comparing it to laser hair removal, a far more attractive option.

I haven't seen the final results yet so I can't say for sure if I'm totally on board, but I am thinking this one may be a winner. 

Have you heard of Inhibitif? Would you use it? 
More by Alexandra C.
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on June 05, 2014  Isabel said:


How is it going with this product? Did you see the results yet after a few months??

on November 16, 2013  Gitty99  5,558 said:

Is it safe for underarms and /or the bikini line?

on November 16, 2013  Anjanie777  1,682 said:

I haven't heard of this product, and just became acquainted with an epilator. I would be willing to try this. Can I use it after my epilator? Or is it only good after waxing or shaving? Keep up with your results and posting them, I would love to hear more.

on November 15, 2013  KaranRanu  1,550 said:

I have tried this product out and so far what I can say is that I can
definitely see a slight difference in the coarse-ness of hair growth and
I have seen a difference in the time it takes for the hair to grow
back. Instead of the growth being on the third day for me, it grows back
on the 5th-6th day of shaving. This is an improvement and I will
continue using it for the amount of time it tells you to to see the
results :) PS. I have medium-coarse dark hair.

on November 15, 2013  Karan Ranu said:

I have tried this product out and so far what I can say is that I can definitely see a slight difference in the coarse-ness of hair growth and I have seen a difference in the time it takes for the hair to grow back. Instead of the growth being on the third day for me, it grows back on the 5th-6th day of shaving. This is an improvement and I will continue using it for the amount of time it tells you to to see the results :) PS. I have medium-coarse dark hair.

on November 15, 2013  Buzz said:

I have been waiting for a miracle... Could this be it?
Keep us posted!
But my real question is : seeing as our skin is like our biggest organ on our temple like bodies....
Has anyone done any research on the chemical/toxins that we are suppose to spray all over?
Beware with sprays! Try not to inhale too much!

on November 15, 2013  ems001  9,358 said:

I have heard of it and I was waiting for more people to try it before I buy it. But so far it seems good.

on November 13, 2013  boxcat  861 said:

Never heard of this either! Will be interested in hearing the end results..there are so many products that claim to be the final 'miracle' we've been looking for haha, so hopefully this one is actually it. For $30 I would totally be willing to try it, if I heard good things.

on November 13, 2013  AlexJC  50 said:

@crowjane37 Excellent question! I'm Caucasian with dark hair and I am Italian so it is a little coarser. I should note that Inhibitif can be used for all skin and hair types!

on November 13, 2013  crowjane37  5,483 said:

never heard of it but I am eager to see your results.

Question for poster: what is your skin/hair type, so that we can compare for our own expected results.. just because if you are say caucasian and blond, you will have far different results than a black person with coarse dark hair.. ?


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