Flying Pretty? 3 Airplane Beauty Rescue Tips

| Tuesday December 7, 20103 comments

Are you flying home for the holidays?  Air travel is all about packing, waiting in lines, lost baggage and highly regrettable seat selection.  Thankfully, there is one area where you can give yourself a helping hand: preventing the toll traveling takes on your skin.

Elemental Herbology Facial Souffle, Dermalogica Sheer Tint Moisture, Jurlique Hydrating Mist

Avoid unattractive and uncomfortable skin irritation and dehydration with a few simple steps:

(1) Apply an intense moisturizing cream that will act like a barrier between your skin and the recirculated air on the plane. I recommend Elemental Herbology’s Biodynamic Facial Souffle.

(2) Forget makeup to prevent possible irritation. Stash it in your carry on and apply it when you land. If you simply won’t leave the house without any on, try a tinted moisturizer. Dermalogica’s Sheer Tint Moisture is excellent because it has SPF 15, covers uneven skin tone and is oil-free.

(3) While you’re at it, forget the alcohol too. It’s a diuretic that will just increase dehydration. Drink water to help hydrate you internally, and carry a small bottle of Jurlique’s Lavender Hydrating Mist to soothe and hydrate externally.

Fly safe, arrive pretty!  What are your favourite flying tips?

by Stephanie O'Born
More on Skin Care

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on December 07, 2010  jchang212  106 said:

I don't fly very often, but I do get very very dehydrated on the plane!

Michelle Phan also has some great plane make-up tips :)

on December 07, 2010  Becky  13,128 said:

I've been flying A LOT the last two years and my lips would dry up and peel, and even once off the plane I would have painfully peeling dry lips.

My lip lifesaver is Cormex. Slather on a lot and continually put more on to keep lips hydrated and soft.

If Only I had discovered this earlier on, it would have saved me painfully disgraceful lips :(

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