Getting My Pre-Baby Body Back (After Photos)

Posted by Ali | Tuesday March 4, 201432 comments

Six weeks ago I posted pictures of my pasty, slightly bloated post-baby body on ChickAdvisor here.  The reaction was an interesting mix of “Go, Ali!” and “That’s rude. What’s wrong with a post baby body??”  For the record, there is nothing wrong with a post baby body.  But, there is also nothing wrong with wanting to get healthy and all kinds of fit. It is better for my family and it’s better for me.

I had some regret shortly after posting that article because I was worried there wouldn’t be enough of a difference to offset the embarrassment of posing in those shorts.  But I can now say I’m happy I did it.  I feel great!  I’m a fair bit stronger than I was when I started.  The exercises that killed me at first are now not a big deal (1 legged squat, I’m lookin’ at you!).

My trainer pushed me hard.  She also shut down my cookie baking.  It turns out that every time I eat bread, cookies or any other morsel of carb-y deliciousness, I get noticeably bloated.  The bit of jiggle I was experiencing wasn’t leftovers from the pregnancy, it was my famous oatmeal chocolate chip cookies

So, here I am in the same outfit, once again putting myself up for your judgement. 

I’m really happy with the way I feel.  I have so much more energy, I feel healthy and strong.  I’m also happy that my thighs are tighter and my butt is perkier.  Most of all I like that I’m starting to see some muscle definition.  Would I enter a fitness or bikini competition? Never. But I don’t feel self-conscious anymore and I’d have no shame wearing a bikini.

As for the white shorts of shame, I think I'll toss 'em.
More by Ali
More on Body, Fitness, Health, Parenting

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on March 06, 2014  Anjanie777  1,682 said:

Okay not to sound like I'm in love with you, but your bum looks hot!
Now that I am done staring at how ah-may-zing your butt and thighs look, I want to mention that your hair looks great too. Vibrant and nice volume.
Don't lose anymore weight! You look great! (I did not mean for that to rhyme)
You mentioned something about your noticeable bloated-feeling after eating cookies, bread, and other baked goods. I had that exact same problem, and I have IBS and a gluten-intolerance. Do you think maybe you do too? Check it out.
Other than that! Stay fit, have fun, and feel beautiful!

on March 05, 2014  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

You are all so sweet! Thanks for the thoughtful comments! xoxo

on March 05, 2014  Steffikah  9,295 said:

You have no shame... and you shouldn't! You look great!

on March 04, 2014  wendyroy  25,308 said:

We'll done. you look beautiful before and after, but imam so happy that you feel better, healthier, and stronger.

on March 04, 2014  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

I agree with @fredamans. You look great both before and after. But hard work definitely pays off, as you can see that your body looks nice & toned now. Congrats!

on March 04, 2014  rachified  290 said:

Hard work pays off, baby. Good for you - couldn't be more proud of you!

Should I slide you my sugar-free, dairy-free, gluten-free cookie recipes? ;)

on March 04, 2014  roadee  2,181 said:

Wow! You look fantastic. Can't believe that you had 2 kids. And your post baby body is already thin! Good for you. Don't know how you do it.

on March 04, 2014  joblackheart  638 said:

Go Ali! Ur post baby body is better than most bodies! Way to go at working so hard! U look very healthy.

on March 04, 2014  fredamans  12,209 said:

You look fab, both ways.

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