Getting to Know You: Claire Rahn

So dish, Claire. Who is your #1 celebrity crush?
I have daydreamed about many a leading man, but the one I always come back to is Daniel Craig. His shower scene with Eva Green in Casino Royale was the moment I knew...
I don't blame you one bit. Who is your fashion icon?
Easily Sarah Jessica Parker. She was outrageously fabulous in SATC of course, but still pulls casual clothes together so effortlessly. Even when the paps catch her shlepping to the store, that woman looks amazing.
Does your closet channel a little Carrie Bradshaw?

I wish! My closet is a mish-mash of comfy mom clothes and the gorgeously impractical things my sister convinces me to buy. So, very eclectic! But the main feature of my wardrobe is that it usually has at least one child playing hide-and-go-seek in it, plus the odd piece of leftover candy. And very likely any Star Wars weaponry I've confiscated that day.
Yes, I agree that I am responsible for all of your best clothes ;)
What do you do in your spare time?
Let's see... if I had spare time, I'd probably spend more of it with friends, throwing dinner parties and finally learning how to use Photoshop.
Ok... so what are you actually doing with your spare time?
It's somewhat embarrassing, and I really wish I had never started... but I can't stop watching the Young & the Restless! I keep breaking the habit, then get sucked back in eventually.
We've all been there, Sister. We've all been there.
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