Getting to Know You: Megan Matthews
I always have to ask: do you have a nickname? (Also, can you possibly top K-Dawg?)
Muff is my nickname. And most people giggle at this, given it’s a name that can mean other things...
It started off as Muffin, a name my family called me as a kid, then shortened to Muff. Now, it’s caught on with friends. My mom used to call in university and leave a message on the voicemail saying ‘hi Muff!’
Do you have a celebrity crush?
Zac Efron. Yes, I’m almost a decade older. And yes, having a crush on him may be bordering on cougar-status; but he is fit, dreamy, talented and well-dressed. In 17 Again he was like the ultimate guy (when he looked 17, yet acted 30 - which sounds so inappropriate as I write it). He’d be the one I’d be cutting out of my Teen Beat Magazine if I still had a subscription.
Who is your fashion Icon?

The J. Crew catalogue. When it arrives each month, I must find the perfect moment to flip through it. There can’t be distractions. It can’t be when I’ve just paid all my bills, and I’m broke – I need to feel like I can at least get something from its perfect pages, like a bible of perfect styling. If I could, I would buy every outfit in it, and wear it as is. Not original? Perhaps. But would I look darn put together? Confirmed.
How would you describe your closet?
A mix of classics (10 pairs of black dress pants and counting), with a dash of uber-girlie trends. Ruffles? Check. Lace? Check. Sequins? Check. I mix and match my classic pieces with my trendy pieces.
But the real star of Megan’s closet? Accessories. Bags, shoes, necklaces, cocktail rings, scarves, hairbands with oversized flowers, you name it... I think you can make any outfit fabulous with the right accessories.
The last thing you think about before you go to sleep is...
... what am I going to eat for breakfast. Shreddies or Raisin Bran? Cereal is my favourite food. Its sustenance got me through university.
Highlights from Megan
How to Host a Clothing Swap
* Bring your totes, not your claws
When to Have the 'Label' Discussion
* Is there a good way to say "so, where do we stand?"
Aritzia F/W 2009 Fashion Showcase
* Canadian boutique success story's fashion show