Getting to Know You: Pam Derksen
Pam Derksen's infectious joie de vivre was never more evident than on her wedding day. After an extended rainy spell in the weeks before the Big Day, her dreams of garden nuptials were replaced by a humid, unairconditioned church basement with hasty work by friends and family to transform it into a silvery glowing festive hall. While any other bride would pull out their best 'zilla, Pam merely laughed it off and only had eyes for her handsome hubby.
She brings her practical whimsy to ChickAdvisor's foodie section with her delicious original recipes: a pretty darn amazing amateur chef who sings arias over her bread dough and tortes... and she's our little sister. Isn't that wonderful :)
You have a degree in music. Tell us about that.
Sometimes I wish I wouldn't have spent those years getting my Bachelor of Music. It was a great experience, but it sure hasn't made me more employable! My dream career would be in music as a Music Therapist or Teacher. Or you know, Test-Kitchen Guru. Whichever works out first...
That isn't your only musical dream, is it?
I still want to be in a production of Phantom of the Opera. I've held onto that one since I was about 8 years old. Dorky, I know.
We may possibly have had similar dreams about Les Miserables, since we're fessing up. So continue your confessional: do you have a celeb crush?
I quite like Colin Firth.
Ah Mr Darcy - what's not to love? We understand you have a new love in your future...
I recently found out I am pregnant, and this has led to many new adventures. Recently, my husband and I went to see Avatar in 3D. As the characters were flying from tree to tree, I started feel rather ill. I barely made it to the stall.
And we'll leave it at that! So, pregnant lady, any crazy cravings?
Fruit snacks intended for kids' lunchboxes like Fruit by the Foot, Fruit roll ups, and especially gushers.

You've held an interesting variety of jobs. What was the best piece of career advice you ever received?
I spent a very depressing 7 weeks working at a curtain factory after graduating from University (see where that music degree came in handy?) and that is where I learned "when life gets you down, just keep pleating!" Life can deal some pretty lame hands sometimes, but you can't stop to feel sorry for yourself. Keep going, because you can only go up from here!
Wise words indeed!
Highlights from Pam
Harvest Recipes: Pumpkin Mousse
* A delicious alternative to Thanksgiving pumpkin pie
Canning 101
* For the grannies-at-heart ;)
Perfect Picnic Recipes
* Alfresco Dining at its best