Golden Globe Nominees Gratuitous Hottie Face Off: Viggo Mortensen vs. Leonardo DiCaprio

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday January 6, 201227 comments

This Gratuitous Hottie Face Off, may be one of the toughest we've ever had! Personally, that I'm a bit nervous about deciding on a winner. 

I've said this before, but I had big plans to marry Leo DiCaprio in about sixth grade. Unfortunately, those plans did not quite work out, but I've still got my fingers crossed! It seems I'm not the only one either, I know Leo is just Ali's type and I'm sure some you chicks can agree! On the other hand, we have Viggo Mortensen; who, while he isn't my dream celeb crush, is pretty darn sexy!  

Like all the other Gratuitous Hottie Face Offs, we'll put these two smouldering men against each other in three rounds. At the end, only one man will be left standing! Let's get started, this may take a while...

Round 1: Who's eyes could we just stare into all day long? 

(images via,

Leo:  These boys have pretty similar eyes- which makes this crazy competitive! I like Leo's eyes because he has this intense stare (a la David Beckham, only less creepy, right?). 

Viggo: Viggo has great eyes to stare into all day because I'm pretty sure when you do, it makes you feel like you're the only girl in the world. 

Winner: Oh boy, this one is tough. I think I'm going to go with Viggo here though because he looks just too sweet and nice to not swoon over! 

Round 2: Who pulls off the five o'clock shadow? 

(images via,

Leo: I've explained before that I'm all about the beard, so this one is a delight for me to judge! I love Leo in a beard or with a bit of scruff. This look totally suits him, it gives a bit of edge to an otherwise tame and primed look.
Viggo: Viggo looks ah-mazing with a five o'clock shadow. It makes him look a bit dangerous, but in that very hot way! 

Winner: While I love this look on both of them, I think this one goes to Leo because Viggo has the chiselled jaw line of a Greek God and that's too good to cover up! 
Round 3: Who works the red carpet? 

(images via,

Leo: Oh Leonardo, in my eyes, you can do no wrong. Going with a class and sophisticated tux or suit, you always look dapper. 

Viggo: Viggo, Viggo, Viggo, I'm sorry but your look is much more suited to the wilderness than a red carpet. Now, if this was a warrior/lumberjack/while-still-being-sexy contest, you'd definitely win. 

Winner: Because the red carpet is about glamour and style, I'm going with Leo for his ultimate swag! 

As if anyone else could really win this face off- congrats going out to Leonardo DiCaprio! Awww Leo, my heart will always go on for you
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on January 07, 2012  Lynn hall  3,007 said:

I'm going to say Leo, but Viggo is incredibly manly and sexy!!

on January 06, 2012  petitechouxx  2,859 said:


on January 06, 2012  mela86  2,943 said:

I am a die hard Leo fan! Leo all the way, he is so talented and there has not been one movie from him that I have not seen or enjoyed! I await his Great Gatsby film with much anticipation.
Oh and yeah, Leo is very good looking, Viggo just doesn't do it for me.

on January 06, 2012  LEHA  1,658 said:

Viggo - love those eyes, and perfectly chiseled features!

on January 06, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

Leo :)

on January 06, 2012  Empress_AliFu  1,401 said:

who is this viggo? LEO hands down

on January 06, 2012  The Fashion P.A.  1,255 said:

Leo! Leo! Leo! <3

on January 06, 2012  shiorim  982 said:

Obviously Leo!! Granted I don't like his gratuitious behaviour with women (lol that man has a new chick every month) but he is still an amazing actor and still hot for his age

on January 06, 2012  Aliza  14,011 said:

Alex my heart will always go on for Leo too! I'm sorry but Viggo did not stand a chance against Leo.

on January 06, 2012  LadyChick234234  3,701 said:

Viggo is a man's man. HAWT.

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