Graham & Browns Frames Wallpaper Now in Canada
Have you ever seen wallpaper like this?
Graham & Browns Frames wallpaper is popular the world over but is only now available in Canada. What makes people love it? You can completely customize it with your own pictures, drawings, clippings and random whatnot. Have kids? Why not let them draw right on the wall? Ok, honestly that idea makes me shudder, but I can see the appeal for a kids bedroom or playroom. If you prefer more organization to your chaos, why not fill the frames with magazine clippings and pictures?
Frames can be found at ICI paint stores across Canada later this month. U.S sisters can get it at for $40/double roll.
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Graham & Browns Frames wallpaper is popular the world over but is only now available in Canada. What makes people love it? You can completely customize it with your own pictures, drawings, clippings and random whatnot. Have kids? Why not let them draw right on the wall? Ok, honestly that idea makes me shudder, but I can see the appeal for a kids bedroom or playroom. If you prefer more organization to your chaos, why not fill the frames with magazine clippings and pictures?
Frames can be found at ICI paint stores across Canada later this month. U.S sisters can get it at for $40/double roll.
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