Gratuitous Hottie Face-Off: Hugh Jackman vs. Hugh Dancy

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday September 30, 201115 comments

Recently, I made the very unpopular choice of picking Justin Theroux for the win over Gerard Butler in our last Gratuitous Hottie Face Off. I was overwhelmingly overruled and Gerard won your votes by a country mile. This week, I feel another debate coming along as we pit Hugh Jackman against Hugh Dancy in this week's Hottie Face-Off.

In the red corner, we have the sweetheart star of films like Confessions of a Shopaholic and Ella Enchanted. Playing a prince has got to count for something right? And in the blue corner we have the sultry, sexy buffness of Mr. Hugh Jackman, famous for his portrayal of angsty Wolverine

Hugh will win in this hottie face off? (Get it? Hugh... who?  Sorry, *groan*) Let the battle begin!

Round 1: Who looks better sans shirt? 

Hugh Jackman: Let's put it this way- if I were Hugh Jackman, I would never put on another shirt again. And I think that says it all.

Hugh Dancy: It's not totally fair to compare him to Jackman, but looking at Hugh Dancy objectively on his own merits, we're liking the slender and hairless definition.  I've decided that the world needs more of this. 

Winner: Jackman. It's like comparing apples to.... some insanely muscular fruit! Just can't. Sorry Dancy but Jackman's got the better bod. 

Round 2: Better Brooder? 

Hugh Jackman: Oh my.  It looks as if he just got in from a super intense work out and he's like, 'Where's my woman?' I'm like, 'Umm.... right here?' 

Hugh Dancy: Dancy goes for the strong and silent brooding stare in this photo- intense to say the least. I like how it blends vulnerability with rawness- it's working for me. 

Winner: Jackman, but it's a close call. That passionate look on Jackman's face won't be ignored! 

Round 3: Who looks better on a beach? (And no, this is not just another chance for me to ogle shirtless men!) 

Hugh Jackman: I'm not sure who was in charge of this photo shoot-  I don't know who wouldn't want to see what's under that t-shirt. (Who even wears a t-shirt in the ocean? Anyway...) I'm feeling his fun-loving, easy-going vibe here. 

Hugh Dancy: This man understands that swim trunks need not always be knee length, and dude has some nice gams. Cute in that suit!

Winner: Here is my dilemma: Jackman, of course, awesome. But Dancy has a little somethin' somethin' going on with those swim trunks. I don't want to decide so I'm calling a tie. Deal with it. 

Round 4: Who works the long hair? 

Hugh Jackman: This is one look that no amount of muscles can cure. I'm sorry Jackman, but the long locks- please never do those again.  

Hugh Dancy: I'm not a huge fan of this look but the curly ringlets have a certain boyish charm, no? 

Winner: Dancy. Sorry Jackman, but Dancy's mop of curls is adorable and you look like a female body builder... only you aren't female. 

Champion Winner: Hugh Jackman takes it for the win! Congrats Jackman- you're hot.

Now tell me- did we get it right this time, or do you disagree?
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on October 07, 2011  Steffikah  9,295 said:

Hugh Jackman wins! He's soooooo droolworthy... Even with the long hair! I don't like the look on him, but I don't think it looks horrible.

on October 04, 2011  chrisc  1,382 said:

NO WAY!!!!! Hugh Dancy, he's just so dreamy. I am very jealous of Claire Danes. He got to me in Ella Enchanted. That's when I realized his dreaminess factor.

on October 03, 2011  clarebear  1,452 said:

Jackman. Easy. I like the hair, don't want a man who's smoother then me. Wouldn't even give that other guy a second glance..

on October 03, 2011  mamaluv  STAFF said:

FYI Hugh Dancy (the other non-Wolverine guy) was in "Ella Enchanted", "Confessions of a Shopaholic", "Jane Austen Book Club", and more.

And by the way, if I DID choose one, it would be Hugh Dancy :)

on October 03, 2011  Leenes  468 said:

Definitely Hugh Jackman! I agree with many others though...could definitely do with a little less hair

on October 03, 2011  chicky82  2,625 said:

Hugh for sure, I don't even know who that other dude is. He looks delicate and that's not something I'm into

on October 03, 2011  v said:

hugh jackman i don't even know who the other guy is.

on October 01, 2011  TammyK  1,073 said:

Hugh Jackman all the way!!!! But he is quite hairy...

on September 30, 2011  AlexJC  50 said:

I was never a big Hugh Jackman fan until I did this post. I am absolutely enamoured with him now.

He has an amazzzzzzing body! Like incredible- how did it even get that way?

on September 30, 2011  mamaluv  STAFF said:

I like the way you think, shiorim! Jackman could be just a little less hairy though.

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