Gratuitous Hottie Face Off: Justin Timberlake vs. Adam Levine

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday May 17, 201323 comments

A recent study concluded the following: women find men who play the guitar more attractive. Obviously it's true, because like, you guys, it's like science and stuff. Also, duh. Didn't we all already know this? 

This got me thinking, how long has it been since we did a Gratuitous Hottie Face Off? And shouldn't we talk about some guitar playing men? 

This week, we're facing off two sexy crooner gentlemen: Justin Timberlake (fresh off his new album release) and Adam Levine (of The Voice and Maroon 5). As with all face offs, we'll pit these men against each other in three rounds to judge their hotness. At the end, we'll crown a grand winner and that guy will take home the title of 'hottest of them all'!

Round 1: Who has the coolest tats?

JT: Judging by that large bicep cross Justin is rocking, most of his ink originates from the 90's and his NSync days. 

Adam: Tigers? Lions? Bears? Ohhhhh, myyy! He's pretty covered in tattoos which I'm not always a fan of, but it is working for him. 

Round 2: Best hair? 

JT: Justin has had some questionable hair styles in the past (ramen noodles, anyone?) but sometimes he can really knock it out of the park. Lately he's been wearing it slicked back and longer. I have to say, I've been enjoying the chances he takes. 

Adam: I don't love Adam's hair. I feel like he has major fivehead with his poofy style. It's a signature, but also a bit boring. Switch it up, Adam! 

Round 3: Who is the more dapper gent?

JT: I firmly believe that the only man in the world who can pull off a fedora is Timberlake. He seems to have a large selection of suits and vests and I applaud him for it! 

Adam: Adam isn't a bad dresser, but he could use some jazzing up. He's kind of boring for the most part and a bit cliched. 

Winner: I had a tough time with this one but I think I'm giving it up to JT this week. I think he's so smooth and full of personality and he just has that winning smile! 

What do you think, which one of these handsome gents deserve to win? 
More by Alexandra C.
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on May 17, 2013  LissaG  6,010 said:

Adam levine! 100%. Love JT but he has zero sex appeal in my opinion.

on May 17, 2013  flower  4,433 said:

I like them both !!

on May 17, 2013  AlexJC  50 said:

@KatelynRose1984 I always think the same thing! He's too thin built! I feel like I would crush him!

on May 17, 2013  shannoneh  321 said:

sorry girl, adam wins this one. come on, that smile! and the stubble! handsome overload.

on May 17, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

I'm with KatelynRose on this one. I'm also not really a fan of either of these guy's, but I'd have to say JT got this one.

on May 17, 2013  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

I'm not really a fan of either of them, but I think JT wins this one for me. I absolutely love his smile, and his sense of humour. Also, I find that Adam Levine is just too tiny built for me.

on May 17, 2013  mamaluv  STAFF said:

A year or 2 ago I would have given it to Adam, but lately I'm loving me some JT!

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