Gratuitous Hottie Face Off: Michael Fassbender vs. David Beckham

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday February 24, 201231 comments

These two gentleman have two things in common: the first is that they are both exotic U.K. exports and the second is that I have only recently come to realise just how hot each of these boys is. 

David Beckham has just released a line of underwear in conjunction with H&M and after actively searching for the photo shoot pictures and ogling them for a good five minutes, I was wondering why it had taken me this long to fall in love with him. 

Michael Fassbender, on the other hand, was a relative unknown for me up until the Golden Globes when I sat staring at the television wondering who this fine male specimen was. 

Now, it's the time to discuss the merits of each man's hotness level. We'll go through three rounds, each one tougher then the last to decide which man gets the "Hottest Of Them All" title. 

Round 1: Who suits up in style?

(images via
David Beckham (left): Sometimes, when a person is so well built (i.e. washboard abs and the works) covering all that up just seems so wrong! I think that's the case here- agree with me chicks?

Michael Fassbender (right): I once heard that a well tailored suit for women, is the equivalent of lingerie for men. If that's so, Michal Fassbender should always be sporting some expensive and lacy, French La Perla. 

Winner: Fassbender. Not only does Michael always kill it in a suit, but I firmly believe that Beckham needs to start wearing less shirts. Speaking of which...

Round 2: Who has the hot bod?

(images via
David Beckham: Is playing soccer what gives you a body that looks like it must be photoshopped? If so, I need to start playing. Better yet, I need to start hanging out at soccer stadiums trolling for a new boyfriend. 

Michael Fassbender: He seems to do a lot of movies with his shirt off/in the nude. I approve. 

Winner: I adore Fassbender, but I think Beckham takes this one for sheer crazy defined ab-ness. 

Round 3: Who's the better fictional boyfriend?

(images via
David Beckham: I imagine our date would go something like this: ditch the old broad (i.e. Victoria because she's no good for you David!) and then he would take me to an exotic locale on a beach where we'd dine on champagne and strawberries. 

Michael Fassbender: I feel like Michael would pick me up on his motorcycle, all "rebel without a cause" like and then I'd play Natalie Wood to his angsty James Dean. 

Winner: I have to go with my gut feeling on this on and pick Fassbender. He's kind of an underdog compared to Beckham, and who doesn't love rooting for an underdog? Especially when they look like that

Gratuitous Hottie Winner: Be still my beating heart Michael Fassbender. You are our/my winner for the Gratuitous Hottie Face Off! We're going to be married one day, you just don't know it yet. 

Agree with the winner? Disgaree? Have another opinion entirely? Leave a comment letting us know who your fave hottie is! 

(all other images via
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on February 24, 2012  beautyinfinitum  2,817 said:

I like Michael more. Scruffier. And those eyes!

on February 24, 2012  Becky  13,128 said:

Oh I can't choose... they're both hot. Why make us choose? I say, Michael's rebel-without-a-cause with David's ridiculous abs... sigh delicious is RIGHT! ;-)

on February 24, 2012  mamaluv  STAFF said:

Also I feel somebody's gotta say it - you only noticed their hotness NOW? tsk tsk girlfriend ;)

on February 24, 2012  mamaluv  STAFF said:

Michael all the way! Though Dave's abs are... delicious :)

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