Gratuitous Hotties Round Up: Silver Foxes Edition

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday January 17, 201412 comments

The other night, Jared Leto took home a Golden Globe for Best Supporting Actor and as he graced us with his presence on screen, I couldn't help but think: OMG HE LOOKS GOOD. Guess how old Jared is? Do it now in your head - and don't wikipedia him! 

He is 42.

This man is almost HALF A CENTURY OLD. Wut. How is it even possible? Dude looks gosh darn gooodddd and in honour of his flawless skin, shining hair and fountain of youth appearance, I wanted to round up the 10 sexiest silver fox gentlemen out there. 

Let me know what you think of my list and who you would add/take away! 

Jared Leto
Age: 42
I've loved Jared since he starred as Jordan Catalano on My So Called Life. Those piercing eyes just work their magic on me. 
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Eric Dane 
He's our youngest on this list but he's pretty much the epitome of a silver fox. Dem greys.... 
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George Clooney

Age: 52 
As if we could leave George out. I believe Ms. Carrie Bradshaw said it best: "George Clooney is like a Chanel suit, he'll never go out of style.
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Alex Baldwin 

I've always had a thing for Alec Baldwin. It's those damn blue eyes, deep voice and the chiselled jaw line. 
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Jon Hamm 

Age: 42
42 isn't really that old, but I looooovvvveeee Jon Hamm so I felt like I needed to include him. Don Draper is just so damn smooth. 
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Dermot Mulroney 

Age: 50
Remember Dermot on New Girl? Wasn't he the dreamiest?
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Pierce Brosnan
Age: 60 
He's James Bond, so yeah, we can't not include Bond. 
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John Slattery 

Age: 51
John Slattery seems like a genuinely cool guy. The type that would cook dinner for you and then rub your back. 
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Brad Pitt 

Age: 50 
An obvious but a necessary one. Brad's face must have been carved by the gods.
Matt LeBlanc 

Age: 46
Who knew that Joey was 46? I actually think Matt's gotten way more attractive with age - he looks distinguished and intelligent. Those greys totally suit him. 
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Do you have a silver fox crush? Who is he? 
More by Alexandra C.
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on January 24, 2014  Racenhawk  2,704 said:

don't like any of those guys, where's Johnny (Depp)?!

on January 23, 2014  jl13  2,934 said:

Dermot Mulroney shirtless. Perfect male body. I'm not one of those girls either, I'd marry Louis C.K. in a heartbeat, I go for smart/funny. But that movie where Dermot is a male escort to a wedding really shows his credentials, if you know what I mean. Catherine Keener is one lucky lady.

on January 21, 2014  imfeehily  8,865 said:

Matt LeBlanc and Alec Baldwin are my favs

on January 21, 2014  Anjanie777  1,682 said:

I think for me Jared Leto looks great. And Patrick Dempsey is technically a silver fox as well, isn't he?
I have to say, Matt LeBlanc looks vraiment debonaire, indeed!
I think we should have another list, a part 2, for silver foxes!
What say you chicks?

on January 20, 2014  Steffikah  9,295 said:

Ugh... Jared Leto <3

YES to grannychanny... Mark Harmon! And Anderson Cooper.

on January 20, 2014  grannychanny  1,593 said:

Now I have always thought men look better with age and I like your list Alex but you left out one very sexy, very handsome man.......Mark Harmon! For any of you younger chicks he plays Special Agent Jethro Gibbs on NCIS, check him out if you haven't already the show is on Tuesdays.

on January 17, 2014  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

Dermot Mulrony was just on Ellen today, and he doesn't look as good with the longer hair.. I like his original look, like in My Best Friends Wedding soo much better. Hottie!

on January 17, 2014  flower  4,433 said:

my boyfriend

on January 17, 2014  christinabezerra  50 said:

George Clooney and McSteamy are my fave silver foxes. If only George Clooney could get rid of his commitment issues.....

on January 17, 2014  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

Matt LeBlanc looks incredible! Wow. Silver looks great on him.. I totally agree with George Clooney. He'll always be on my hottest men list.

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