Gratuitous Irish Hottie Face Off: Jonathan Rhys Meyers vs. Cillian Murphy

Posted by Alexandra C. | Friday March 16, 201231 comments

In honour of St. Patrick's Day, we're bringing a bit of Irish luck to all the chicks with an Irish Gratuitous Hottie Face Off! Now, before we start, we need to do some preliminary research, which means we'll need to hear the accents first, am I right? So, check out Cillian Murphy talk about the film Inception, over here and Jonathan Rhys Meyers talking about the show The Tudors over here. Now, after those accents, you may be a bit hot n' bothered so feel free to take a small breather. 

We'll put these two gorgeous lads to the test this week, through three rounds and decide which one truly deserves to be called 'The Hottest Irish of All Time'! 

Round 1: Which guy is the blue eyed babe?

Cillian Murphy (left): Cillian has really, big blue swimming pool type eyes, but I can't concentrate on them because, seriously guys, can I please take a second to point out the cheekbones on this man? They're bananas! I wish I had those cheekbones. Back to the eyes though, they're definitely intense, almost too intense...

Jonathan Rhys Meyers (right): Oh Jonathan, your eyes are probably in the top three on my list of your favourite features. I mean, your whole face is like number one but those eyes are way too hot.

Winner: This one was kind of a toughie, these boys both have piercing blue eyes but I'm going to go with Jonathan for this round. His eyes just give me the chills!
Round 2: Who'd we rather have play our on screen boyfriend in a rom-com?

Cillian: I saw Cillian in that movie Red Eye with Rachel McAdams what seems like forever a go and in it, he plays this crazy stalker psycho so seeing him as a leading man is honestly a bit unnerving. He seems like he might be a fun guy though, I mean, you've got to have a sense of humor to play a crazy psycho right? I feel like he's kind of an artsy guy too and he'd be the type to give you quirky and sweet gifts.
Jonathan: Jonathan plays King Henvry VIII on The Tudors and let me tell you, I would not want to date him. However, Jonathan does offer a selection of very smoldering looks, oh my. 

Winner: Mmmm, while Jonathan has the classically hot looks, I think I`m going to go with Cillian here. I feel like he'd offer a little something different and he'd be a fab bf!

Round 3: Who has the better hair?

Cillian: I actually love Cillian's hair when it's long and shaggy. He's been wearing it cut pretty short recently though and I can't say I'm a fan. The longer hair gives him kind of an indie vibe that I'm digging.

Jonathan: Jonathan obviously goes to the best for his hair because this person knows what works for him! The short and spiky hair is a bit 90's but he's making it work for him.

Winner: Argh! This one too competitive and I can't decide and I refuse to, no one can make me! 

I'm leaving this one up to you chicks, which Irish guy do you like better? Who would you chose as a winner? Or maybe there is another Irish man you've got your eye on? Leave a comment and let us know!
More by Alexandra C.
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on March 18, 2012  frose  994 said:

Jonathan, Jonathan, Jonathan ooo man he is out of this world!

on March 18, 2012  Coupon Barb  158 said:

Jonathan all the way! He has the sexy smoldering eyes not to mention the whole package. Cillian's face is just too plastic looking. hmmm

on March 18, 2012  luxx  2,176 said:

Definitely Jonathan

on March 18, 2012  alexandra dlc  1,236 said:

Jonathan for the win. for sure!!

on March 17, 2012  omnomnom said:


on March 17, 2012  LadyFlash  8,899 said:

JRM has my vote! Great actor.

on March 17, 2012  Charmheart16  3,985 said:

Definitely Jonathan Rhys Meyers!! I agree with @sinna. He can pull off the rugged, as well as the clean-cut look.

on March 17, 2012  midnightsun2288  6,053 said:

Cillian is only attractive in 1/3 pictures, Jonathan gets my vote!

on March 17, 2012  Fran said:

JRM is my favorite. Dont' get the Cillian thing

on March 17, 2012  maidenchoice said:

Jonny, for sure !

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