Happy Holidays from ChickAdvisor

Posted by ChickAdvisor Team | Tuesday December 25, 20128 comments

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays Chicks! 

We want to take the opportunity to have a little heart to heart with you. The holidays are a time to spend with our loved ones and we here at Chickadvisor consider you deserving of that title. 

ChickAdvisor is a community, a family and a support system. and wouldn't exist without the members. So from the bottom of our hearts, we want to thank you for being such gorgeous and lovely people. 

From the forums to the reviews, reading what you all have to say is really one of the best parts of the job. Having you chime in and offer advice and insight makes us feel warm and fuzzy all over! 

So, I guess what we're trying to say is: Have yourself a merry little Christmas and thank you for being, well, you! 

Best Wishes, 

XO CA Team 

(P.S. As a Christmas pressie, why not enter ChickAdvisor's Super Spectacular Holiday 2012 Giveaway? You can win one of 10 amazing mystery prizes!) 
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on December 31, 2012  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

Merry Christmas! and a huge thank YOU! You have made this website very addictive, haha.

on December 27, 2012  fredamans  12,209 said:

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!

on December 26, 2012  beautyinfinitum  2,817 said:

Happy Holidays, ChickAdvisor!

on December 26, 2012  Bren  26,046 said:

Happy Holidays to all of you at Chickadvisor and Chick members. All the best in the New Year...

on December 26, 2012  flower  4,433 said:

Happy Holidays to alll the chicks!

on December 26, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

Merry Christmas ChickAdvisor Team and to all the Chick's out there. I hope everyone's holiday's are going well no matter how you celebrate this time of year and even if you don't. Cheers Ladies and Gents!

on December 25, 2012  sonii99  352 said:


on December 25, 2012  sonii99  352 said:


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