Happy Independence Day, from the Land of the Free

Posted by Claire | Friday July 4, 2008 Leave a comment
What does Independence Day mean to you?

As a Canadian, I don't share the same history as my neighbors here south of the border. I've had some friends ask me: "Y'all are still with England?" They shake their heads in disbelief. Freedom-- in all its forms is perhaps THE cornerstone of American pride. Or so it looks to these northern eyes.

~Freedom from foreign rulers
~Freedom of speech and religion
~Freedom to tote around a deadly weapon (ok, so I got a little swept away by Bowling for Columbine)
~Freedom to set your past behind you and make something of yourself - maybe even the next President of the U.S.

(Some freedoms are still not legislatively granted, but I won't get into such contentious topics here.)

I've lived in Europe, where an unspoken class system often prevails. The son of a welder will follow in his father's footsteps more often than not. Some of my acquaintances even suggested they would not attend university because it would exceed their parents' achievements. Real estate is prohibitively expensive; home ownership or a business startup is mostly out of reach for many.

I've lived in Canada, where we have many freedoms and privileges but have less direct control over our government. We have the freedom of free health care, but in some cases not the freedom to seek medical treatment across the border when local waiting lists are intolerably long.

In my family is living memory of a peril-of-death flight across Russia, eastern and central Europe, and ultimately to the shores of Nova Scotia and safety. Many uncles, grandfathers, and brothers were torn away from family to slave in Siberian forest camps where they died. Many pacifist settlers were forced into army duty, then mocked by fellow soldiers for their beliefs.

I think I have a pretty good idea of what freedom means. I wish the world had more of it. Many people have criticized America for attempting to bring freedom to other parts of the world... while their own governments spend years in committee meetings accomplishing little more than strongly worded speeches. Has it been worth the sacrifice? We'll only find out in the years to come.

Now the definition of freedom has changed. Americans don't have to worry about a distant king or slavery or indentured servitude. The new lords are found in Hollywood, at the pump, on Wall Street, and from the threats of extremism abroad and at home. Perhaps we should free ourselves with the same fervor we claim to free others.

This would require a major rethink and turnover of the ways we do business, health, education, foreign policy, and environmental stewardship. But if there's one thing Americans know how to do, it is to reinvent themselves, shake off the injustice of the past and push ahead to a better future.

Anything is possible in this country. Even a New Kids On The Block comeback :S

What do you think makes your country great? If you were The Man for a day, what is the one thing you'd change?
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