Harry Potter 'Deathly Hallows pt 1" Trailer

Posted by Claire | Friday September 24, 20102 comments
The countdown to the penultimate Harry Potter movie has begun, with this week's release of the "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows" (pt 1) trailer.

There was an unfortunate glimpse of the irritating Dobby (who, as grand luck would have it, is my son's favourite character), that ghastly Voldemort manicure, and plenty of snakes which I didn't appreciate, but everything else looks quite exciting.

According to IMDb, this film will hit Canadian and American theaters on November 19, 2010 - two days after it opens in European movie houses.  Yes.  Even Kazakhstan gets a day's jump on the Western Hemisphere.

Are you looking forward to this movie?  
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on September 28, 2010  mamaluv  STAFF said:

I think the series has gotten very much more mature as it's progressed. I didn't want to let my young sons watch the movies starting around #3 (Prisoner of Azkaban), but my hubby let them see it anyway - grrr. I guess it also reflects the maturing of the central characters, too.

Excited to see the movie!

on September 24, 2010  cathy3087  98 said:

I am PUMPED! Based on this preview, it look more mature (not sure if that's the best word...) than the other Harry Potters.

And yes, Voldemort's manicure is hideous! Haha

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