How To Look Better Naked: 7 Exercises

Posted by Ali | Sunday April 1, 201219 comments

Let me start by saying that just because I'm the one in the photos does not mean I think I look great naked.  But I'd be lying if I said that isn't one of my fitness goals.  It's practically bathing suit season and I was hugely pregnant last summer so I'm quite motivated.  I have been exercising a fair bit as you know, and Kinesiologist and Personal Trainer George Gianniotis of G2K Fitness (aka Trainer George) has been making sure I get results.

This is my current workout and if you can commit to it 3 days a week, will whip you into shape well in time for the beach.  What makes it particularly effective is that most of the exercises target your whole body.  As always, consult with your Doctor before beginning any exercise regimen to make sure this is right for you.  All exercises are intermediate to advanced level.

Let's get down to it then!

Axe Chop
How to Look Better Naked
With a medicine ball (or you could use weights), hold your head high, draw down and across the body in a chopping motion.  You will be in a squat position at the bottom.  Do 3 sets of 12 on each side.

Muscles targeted: Abs, core, glutes, hamstrings, hips, legs, obliques, quadriceps, shoulders.

Walking Lunge Torso Twisting with Medicine Ball
How to Look Good Naked
Holding a medicine ball or weights, step forward into a walking lunge and twist your upper body to the side.  Do 3 sets of 10 per side.

Muscles targeted: Abductors, adductors, core, glutes, hamstrings, hips, legs, quadriceps, shoulders

Clean and Jerk (Ya, ya get your mind out of the gutter!)
How to Look Good Naked
Begin in a squat position with one dumbbell in front of you.  As you stand up bring the dumbbell to your shoulder and press the weight over your head.  Repeat on the other side.  Do 3 sets of 12 per side.

Muscles targeted: Arms, back, neck, biceps, deltoids, glutes, lats, legs, quads, rhomboids, shoulders, traps, triceps

Dumbbell skiing

How to Look Good Naked
One foot in front of the other, feed shoulder width apart, dumbbells in hands and elbows bent at 90 degrees.  Swing one arm forward and the other back, twisting the torso. Alternate arms.  Do 3 sets of 20 per side.

Muscles targeted:  Arms, back and neck, biceps, core, deltoids, lats, legs, quads, rhomboids, shoulders, traps, triceps

Side Crawls
How to Look Better Naked
In a pushup position on your hands and toes, walk the hands and feet in a sideways direction.  Do 3 sets of 10 steps in each direction.

Muscles targeted: Arms, chest, core, shoulders

How to Look Better Naked
Raise your legs off the floor and perform a continuous cycling motion, reaching your opposite elbow to your knee, alternating sides.  Do 3 sets of 15 per side.

Muscles targeted: Abdominals, core, glutes, hip flexors, legs, obliques

How to Look Good Naked
On a yoga mat, and preferably near a wall in case you fall, position yourself on your head and slowly raise your legs until they are completely vertical.  Hold this pose for 30 seconds and repeat 3 times.  Just kidding.

Now the question is how hard are you prepared to work to look your best in the buff?
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on April 02, 2012  LadyChick234234  3,701 said:

Way to go!

on April 02, 2012  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

@shuey, that's so great! You're right - it is essential once you hit 40, but really we should always exercise regardless of age. It's so good for you and you feel great after! Training in the spring/summer is fun because there is so much you can do outside.

@LEHA, that's fantastic! It sounds like a lot of fun too.

on April 02, 2012  MizzRobin  13,788 said:

You look grat Ali! I need to start my Spring training shortly as well! Great tips on some targeted exercises!

on April 02, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

Wow Leha that's great. Shuey and I use to do dance, mostly tap when we where kids, but I could do it now if I tried. She did it for a lot longer then me, so she might be able to still do it. Dance of any kind is great for the body because you're using every part of it even if you don't think you are. Good for you!!

on April 01, 2012  LEHA  1,658 said:

Those exercises look great! I will have to add them to my routine. I started taking Adult Beginner Ballet this year (and I am over 40!) and in just a few weeks it has done amazing things to my body! Not sure I'd say I look all that great in the buff yet, however... :-)

on April 01, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

I use to do just about everyone of these exercises, but sadly my body
won't let me move like that any more. I'd be in traction if I tried.LOL
do still have my dumb bells, I just have to find where me kids hid
them on me and dust them off. I guess I better get started doing
something soon ay.LOL

on April 01, 2012  shuey  2,784 said:

You look great Ali! Keep up the good work. I started my "Spring training" about a month ago.You know what they say, excersise over forty is not a option; it a necessity. Push ups & situps are a must in my routine, Thanks Ali for the new exercises, love the idea of the medicine ball. Havent tried that yet.

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