How to Stay Fit While Traveling

While you may find a good range of fitness options at your destination, your vacation and work priorities may limit your time. "Commit to maintenance," Gianniotis suggests. Even a downscaled version of your normal routine will keep you in relative good shape until you return home.
This 'Suitcase Shape-up' circuit combines resistance training with cardio bursts to maximize your workout. Try for two full circuits, or three for the seasoned gym rat:

Do a standard push-up and in the straight arm position, lift one leg, contracting the bum. Do another push-up, and at the top, lift alternate leg. Repeat.

Lie on the stomach with arms and legs extended. Lift one arm and the opposite leg. Reverse with other arm and leg. Follow with 2 minutes of skipping (skipping motions, if you don't have a rope).

Position yourself in downward dog. Lower to plank while bringing one knee in to the chest. Lift back up into downward dog, and alternate.

Position your body in a plank position on the elbows and toes, with the body as flat as possible in between. Hold as long as possible. Follow with 2 minutes of step-ups on a stair or bench.

Step into a deep lunge, and twist your torso and arms to the right. Return to a regular lunge position, facing forward, then step with the next leg into a lunge. Twist to the left. Return, and repeat.

Stand on one leg with the other leg perpendicular (like a figure skater), with arms out to the side. Lower your standing leg bending at the knee. Do all reps, and then change legs. Follow with 2 minutes of skipping (or mock skipping).
Squat and jump high (10 reps)
Do a deep squat and then jump up in the air as high as you can. Repeat.
Calf raises (20 reps)
Hold onto the back of a chair or a wall. Raise on your toes, and then lower. Repeat. Follow with 2 minutes of step-ups.
Mountain Climber (20 reps)
Position yourself in a plank position. Bring one foot in, raising the bum in the air with other foot grounding you. From this position, quickly switch feet. Repeat.

Sit in a V-sit with a straight back. Extend the legs, and then bring into the chest. Repeat. Finish with 2 minutes of skipping.
by Megan Matthews
all images by Megan Matthews and George Gianniotis