Introducing ChickenAdvisor!
Hey Chicks!
We are excited to share a very special announcement with you! Since our launch 14 years ago we’ve learned so much from reading all of your reviews and interacting with you, our Chicks. Thank you for everything you have shared with us.
With the evolution of our company, we feel we’ve reached a point where it’s time for our brand to reflect how much we’ve grown.
You may notice the change is already reflected on our website and social media accounts.
When COVID-19 is behind us, we’ll have new ChickenAdvisor mugs available to order. Meanwhile, we are contemplating other forms of ChickenAdvisor merchandise and we’d love your feedback on what you’d like to see!
Your Chief Chicken in Charge
Bonjour les chicks,
Nous sommes enthousiastes de partager une grande nouvelle avec vous! Depuis nos débuts, il y a déjà 14 ans, nous avons tant appris en lisant vos commentaires et en interagissant avec vous. Nous tenons à vous remercier de tout ce que vous nous avez partagé.
Aujourd’hui, nous en sommes à une étape importante du développement de l’entreprise, et estimons que c’est maintenant le moment pour notre marque de refléter la maturité que nous avons acquise.
C’est avec grande fierté que nous annonçons notre passage à…
Peut-être aurez-vous déjà remarqué le changement apporté à notre site web et à nos comptes de réseaux sociaux.
Lorsque la pandémie de la COVID-19 sera derrière nous, vous pourrez commander la nouvelle tasse ChickenAdvisor. D’ici là, nous poursuivons nos recherches pour vous dénicher d’autres articles promotionnels ChickenAdvisor. Envoyez-nous vos idées!
Votre cheffe poule
Facebook Comments
I could rock it | |
I wanna try this This I love hand soaps | |
Hehe happy April Fools ☺ Although seriously I would love this mug and a t shirt while hanging out with my backyard chickens....can we make this happen lol? 🐔 | |
I'm so glad I came upon this website! Never heard of it before but I love the community already | |
That’s funny! | |
Good one! Made me laugh for sure! 🐓 | |
We’re ChickNation🐥 | |
Haha... it took me a while to notice that you changed a logo:)) Nice joke👍😁 | |
A hoody, with the same logo as the mugs in the front and back, I would so wear a hoody. 🎉🎉🎉🎉 get us hoodies, is also love a hairbrush like the paddle ones they would look fantastic. New name just makes me smile 😊 | |
A hoody, with the same logo as the mugs in the front and back, I would so wear a hoody. 🎉🎉🎉🎉 get us hoodies, is also love a hairbrush like the paddle ones they would look fantastic. New name just makes me smile 😊 |