Jay Baruchel vs. Joseph Gordon-Levitt in: Gratuitous Hottie Face Off

Posted by Alexandra C. | Wednesday September 7, 201118 comments

We're going nerdtastic with this week's Gratuitous Hottie Face Off! With our geek chic pose-off this week, we wanted to bring you two cuties that may not be your typical hot Hollywood beefcake but hold their own with their adorable smiles and awkward sweetness. In honour of TIFF, we chose two guy who will be making their way to Toronto- Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Jay Baruchel. Like last week, they'll square off in four rounds and one will come out on top! 

Round 1: Best French Accent 
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Check out this interview Joseph did with a French television show a few years back. He answers all questions in French which I have to say, really impressed me. After seeing that, I came across this video of him singing in a smoky French accent and I drooled. Oh la la. 

Jay Baruchel
: This video pokes fun of the French-Anglo tensions in Canada and Jay has a really great sense of humour for doing it. However, for a native Montrealer, his accent is surprisingly lackluster- sorry Jay! 
 (P.S. Parental guidance is advised! He drops a few f-bombs towards the end!)

Winner: Joseph Gordon-Levitt because I think I'd like to hear him whisper, "Je t'adore ma belle étoile" in my ear. (That's I love you my beautiful star for the English Muffins in the crowd!) 

Round 2: Best Heart Melting Smile 
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: I like that his eyes twinkle when he smiles. He's all... 'Aw, shucks!' and it makes me want to marry him.

Jay Baruchel: Totally fun-loving, silly and goofy which makes me swoon! 

Winner: This is a toughie, because both their smiles make me all gooey inside. But if I absolutely have to choose, this one goes to Joseph, no...Jay, no Joseph...agh! My job is tough. 

Round 3: Better Male Model?
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Looking sleek n' sexy in his suit and long Fabio-esque hair in this photo. He shows a more serious side as if he's pondering the meaning of life, or where he should get his next haircut.

Jay Baruchel
: I am pleasantly surprised by his model photo shoot here. Let me say Mr. Baruchel that you are working that pouty face and I'm liking it. 

Winner: Jay because his chiseled features really stand out and he's all brooding and dark. It's hot. 

Round 4: Who'd Be The Better Kisser? 
Joseph Gordon-Levitt: Let me think about this one....wait- where were we again? 

Jay Baruchel
: I feel like he'd be all awkward at first, but then, that would only make you love him more. 

Winner: Joseph Gordon-Levitt, not that I have it on good authority or anything but I feel strongly that he'd be awesome. 

Champion Winner: Joseph Gordon-Levitt takes the cake on this one ladies and gents! What do you think- agree or disagree? Who should we choose for our next gratuitous hottie face off? Let us know, connect with us on Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr or leave a comment!   
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on September 07, 2011  Alexandra said:

JOSEPH G-L!!! I am way over the top in love with him. He completely stole my heart in 500 Days of Summer <3

on September 07, 2011  LadyFlash  8,899 said:

neither are my cup of tea but I'll vote for Jay Baruchel since he's a Canadian boy.

on September 07, 2011  TammyK  1,073 said:

Ummm Joseph Gordon Levitt all the way ever since 10 things I hate about you! I do think he was better looking when he was younger but he's still really cute now.

on September 07, 2011  AlexJC  50 said:

I'm allll about the Joseph man.

on September 07, 2011  jskim07  50 said:

As much as I loved Jay Baruchel in Popular Mechanics for Kids, and the fact he's Canadian, Joseph Gordon Levitt wins. By far! He was in 500 Days of Summer for god's sakes :P.
Also, he's the spitting image of Heath Ledger.

on September 07, 2011  Mandy  80 said:

I just watched the the Joseph Gordon-Levitt french interview. I didn't even know what he was saying but he was so dreamy! What a way to start my morning.

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