June 29

Posted by Ali | Friday June 29, 201215 comments

Today was one of those days where my mind and reality were not in synch.  While my mind told me I could totally handle all of my appointments, a workout and prepping for a party, reality was I was late for all of it and today was unbelievably hot.  Crazy hot weather makes every task more challenging because sweating (and usually, swearing) is involved.

I wore an outfit that exactly matched a cosmetics case in the office.  Total coincidence. Our finance guy, Johnny pointed it out when he saw me carrying it around but I hadn't noticed.  I'm really on the ball these days.

The rest of the pictures are from my workout with George.  Despite George protesting about me taking pictures of him with his hair not styled and wearing black socks, you can see we had fun.  George is a pro so I made him demonstrate my least favourite exercises.  That last move, holding himself up with only his arms is IMPOSSIBLE unless you are supremely fit.  I tried it and couldn't even get my legs off the floor.  See my failure pose above.

Wall sit was not fun at all.  My record is 4:38 and today was a full minute less.  I hate wall sit. It really works but it's the worst.  George said later he always thought I enjoyed that exercise.  I guess it's my charming personality that threw him off.

Also mediocre today - my jackknife crunches.  Do not attempt these if you've just finished eating.  That's all I'm going to say.

How was your day? Any big plans for the weekend?
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on July 02, 2012  takoda  28,648 said:

Good for you to hang in there Ali. Even though I'm sure you wanted to be any where but there, your finger tells all.LOL

on July 01, 2012  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

I love the picture of you flipping the bird, haha!

on July 01, 2012  farouknabela  3,469 said:

I will be packing! I am going home on Tuesday :D

on June 30, 2012  fredamans  12,209 said:

Love the finger salute! LOL

on June 30, 2012  midnightsun2288  6,053 said:

Haha the second and third pictures of you pretty much sum up all of my workouts xD

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