Just Say No to Junk Mail: The Red Dot Campaign
We wants junk mail? These days there is so much of it, it's hard to find your legitimate mail in amongst the piles garbage you must sort through. A shady gym is having a special. No thanks! Save 2 cents on a box of cereal - mighty tempting! We'd rather not get any of it and find our deals online the environmental way.
Thankfully a very smart woman has made it easier for us to stop the barrage of junk mail. Beth Ringdahl founded reddotcampaign.ca, a website that helps you put a stop to the nonsense by telling Canada post and the Canadian Marketing Association to stop spamming you. Now that's a great idea!
Thankfully a very smart woman has made it easier for us to stop the barrage of junk mail. Beth Ringdahl founded reddotcampaign.ca, a website that helps you put a stop to the nonsense by telling Canada post and the Canadian Marketing Association to stop spamming you. Now that's a great idea!
Check it out!