Justin Bieber Debuts OPI Nail Polish Collection

Posted by Claire | Monday October 11, 201019 comments

Winning hearts and minds is not enough:  Canadian crooner Justin Bieber wants to infiltrate the manicure stashes of teeny boppers across North America with his "One Less Lonely Girl" nail polish line, a collaboration with Nicole by OPI.

Just in time for the holidays, Bieber's glitzy lacquers will hit Walmart stores everywhere December 2010 and feature such squeal-inducing monikers as Give Me the First Dance (silver), OMB! (bright cranberry), and Step 2 the Beat of My Heart (with heart-shaped glitter).  Six shades will be available initially, followed by eight more come January 2011.

Aunties of the world, you've been put on notice.  On a scale of 1 to Totally Wicked, "One Less Lonely Girl" is a sure thing come stocking stuffer time.
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on January 12, 2011  LaurenBlair  128 said:

I have to admit: I would buy a Glee inspired nail polish just because

on January 12, 2011  cathy3087  98 said:

OPI seems to be snatching everyone up lately to do a nail polish collection. There's Bieber and Katy Perry, and they just announced that a Glee collection will be coming out next month.

There's seven colours: Slushied (opaque blue), Hell to the No (bold
purple), Gleek Out (glittery lime green), Diva-in-Training (poppy
pink), Who Let the Dorks Out (peacock green), Miss Bossy Pants (rich
raspberry) and Mash-Up (pearlescent green-gray.). The colours look cute but nothing totally special.

on January 04, 2011  nicole said:

justin is it posopal u can come to my party

on December 15, 2010  jchang212  106 said:

Claire, I think it's a little weird to see colour nail polish on guys' toes. I'm okay with clear polish, though.

on December 15, 2010  cathy3087  98 said:

Haha I agree, black toenails are weird!

on December 15, 2010  mamaluv  STAFF said:

Many male celebs wear makeup of all kinds, including the hilariously dubbed 'guyliner'. I don't mind the look of black nail polish on fingers for certain types (like a rocker, for example), but a pedi? That's weird.

on December 15, 2010  MaryD  662 said:

Winnie: Same here!

But I wouldn't say JB would be the first to rock nail polish. Seal, Heidi Klum's husband has worn black polish on his toes. So have Calvin Klein model Mehcad Brooks and Crisitano Ronaldo..

on December 15, 2010  mamaluv  STAFF said:

Just found out that Shoppers is carrying this line right now, but Loblaws and Canadian Wal-Marts will have to wait until Feb 2011.

Thought you stocking stuffer folks might like to know ;)

on October 14, 2010  WinnieW  834 said:

Wow. That's a really smart business move but JB, really? I wanna see him with nail polish on. HAHA But I do like that blue up there...

on October 13, 2010  Bren  26,046 said:

I totally agree with what mamaluv said.As I said earlier I think they can attach Justin Beibers name to anything and its going to sell!

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