Kid Friendly Craft Ideas: DIY Bathtub Soap Paint

"Rubber Ducky, you're the one, you make bath time so much fun!"
Know what else makes bath time tons of fun? Bathtub soap paint! Using just soap, water and a bit of dye, I'm going to show you how to make a "paint" that kids can use to actually draw on the bath tub walls and they'll get clean while doing it! You may have seen this soap paint before in stores but did you know how easy it is to actually make? This craft requires a food processor so kids will need the help of an adult to create it.
Here's what you'll need:

1 cup of soap flakes (about 1 bar, grated- depending on how many colours you want, you may want to grate more than one bar)
Food colouring or liquid watercolours
3/4 cup warm water
Food processor
Ziploc bags or icing bags
Step 1: Grate the soap

Step 2: Food processor and water

I mixed the soap first to get it into a more liquidy, smooth consistency. Then, added a bit of water. This step is important: add the water in very small amounts slowly. You don't need to add the entire 3/4 cup of water. A bit of foaming is okay, but it shouldn't foam too much. After adding water, mix again until you get a paste like mixture. I over mixed mine and it turned out way too thick- this makes it very hard to remove.
Step 3: Add food colouring

If you're going to be making a few different colours, I suggest separating the mixture into a few different bowls and adding a few drops of dye to each one and then mixing. Also, when I say 'food colouring'- don't freak out! It completely washes out, without any staining whatsoever!
Step 4: Paint!

I put my paint into ziploc bags, cut a small corner and used that to draw with.
Final Look:

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(adapted via