Last Week in Pictures
So much has happened in the last week, these pictures could represent an entire month. It's events season, which means several times a week we are invited to sip sparkling cocktails while getting the scoop on the latest trends and launches.

Mandy and I headed to the Chanel 5 a 7 where we were treated to makeovers and I was told I should be wearing more makeup.

Here I sit sulking while Jeanne Beker talks about the new concept. Why was I pouting? All of my makeup had been removed seconds before the speeches began and I was all too aware pictures were being taken with my besmudged face in the background. Seeing them now it wasn't so bad, but at the time... I was not pleased.

Mandy and I headed to Toronto Fashion Week with Marayna who sat crammed in the photographer's pit in heels and a series of dresses. Now that's commitment to fashion!
Pity the fool stuck behind this guy at Fashion Week. Oh wait. That was me.
Our last Friday of March was Fun Friday and that involved Pizza. Don't you love it when someone takes a picture of you when your mouth is full and you are forced to smile?
This time it wasn't just girls. Alex, Ben and Russell (our techie wizards) were invited.
At the media opening for Del Monaco Hair Studio, we caught up with Brandon R. Dwyer and Jessica Biffi, two Canadian Designers who showcased at LG Fashion Week and were previously on Project Runway Canada.
Megan Matthews and I headed to a Betsy Johnson fashion show at the Liberty Grand where we thought we were getting interviews backstage with Betsy Johnson, only to discover; A: She was not there and B: The interviews we were promised were for Schwarzkopf stylists. We were giggling quite a bit when we realized.

Megan gets the scoop on Schwarzkopf with painted naked bums in the background.
Chanel pictures by: George Pimentel

Mandy and I headed to the Chanel 5 a 7 where we were treated to makeovers and I was told I should be wearing more makeup.

Here I sit sulking while Jeanne Beker talks about the new concept. Why was I pouting? All of my makeup had been removed seconds before the speeches began and I was all too aware pictures were being taken with my besmudged face in the background. Seeing them now it wasn't so bad, but at the time... I was not pleased.

Chanel pictures by: George Pimentel