Making the Cut: Going Long to Short with Curly Hair

Posted by Alexandra C. | Tuesday April 2, 201322 comments

5 years ago, in an act of what I can only hope was #YOLO inspired mania, I decided to let my friend Emily chop my long locks off into a chin length bob. I'm not sure what I was trying to prove. I'd like to plead temporary insanity, though I think it was more like a late teenage rebellion. A failed one at that. My mother and father couldn't have cared less. 

In any case, I soon began to realize how huge of a mistake I had made. My at-the-time-boyfriend's face said it all when I showed off my new hair. A nice mix of horror and disappointment, I believe it's what the word 'crestfallen' was invented to describe. "Oh.... it's... good", he tried. Gee, thanks. We broke up shortly after that. Whether or not the cut had anything to do with it is debatable. 

After my traumatic cutting experience, I avoided salons like a hot yoga class that involved aerial fitness (cringe). I hadn't gotten my haircut in 5 years. If I needed a trim, I would do so in my bathroom with a pair of kitchen scissors. What can I say? I'm a classy gal. 

A DIY ombre job left my ends with a crunchy, straw-like appearance - hot! DIY cuts, DIY dyes.... I'm living proof that hair is always best left to professionals. 

Recently though, my hair had been giving me a bit of trouble. It was dry, damaged, and limp. I didn't know what to do with it. For the most part it hung there and when I got tried of that, I ballerina bunned it up with a sock. I was bored and it seemed my hair was, too. 

When I started to notice the 'lob' cut on the heads of celebs and style makers, I couldn't help but have a major case of hair envy. These ladies seemed effortlessly cool. Like badass, sexy Parisian types who drink espresso shots, DJ on the side and own their own fabric design companies. I spent quite some time daydreaming about them. I know, it's weird.

My hair-spiration and fictional BFF, Olivia Munn.
I found pictures online of these celebs for style inspiration and downloaded them to my phone. I showed them to everyone I knew, asking their opinion on whether or not I could pull this off. I talked so often about getting my hair cut that I could feel people around me wanting to just take a pair of shears and chop it off right there, just so I'd shut up. 

Eventually, I felt compelled to do something. I just had to cut it off. It was simply time. 

Here's the thing: getting your haircut after 5 years, is terrifying. As I walked towards the salon, the thought, 'turn back now, it's not too late!' briefly crossed my mind. I chose to ignore it but it was ever present, right up until my stylist made the first cut. 

Waiting in the salon, I couldn't figure out why everyone else was SO CALM. Why were they not freaking out?! Why did no one else seem to feel the same way? Being led to THE chair, I was fidgety and barely spoke a word to the stylist. Looking back, I'm pretty sure I came off as a total snob, but I was so nervous, I didn't want to open my mouth for fear of vomiting. Again, I'm a classy gal.

I showed my stylist the pictures of inspiration and he let me know that although the style wouldn't look exactly like Ms. Munn's, he could give me something comparable. I made sure to ask questions about length and how I could style it for my hair type.  

Once the first cut was done, going through the rest wasn't so bad. Having curly hair and wanting a lob is challenging because curly hair is shaped differently and can become more triangle-shaped. My stylist cut my hair in such a way to make it very manageable. He also recommend a few curl lengthening products to tame ringlets. 

A bad bathroom, insta-selfie of my haircut! 

I love that I can wear my new style both curly and straight. It's so versatile and easy to maintain!  It feels healthier, shinier and I love how my curls are looser and wavier, not so tight. More than that, it's just so freeing to not have this long, hanging curtain of hair around me. I'm still learning how to style my hair and what the best drying methods are but I love the 'get up and go'-ness of this look. 

I may not be a Parisian DJ, but hey, I got the haircut so I'm halfway there. 

What have your haircut experiences been like? Ever had an awful DIY experience, like myself? Do you have any tips for going to the salon and managing your hair?  
More by Alexandra C.
More on Hair

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on April 02, 2013  LissaG  6,010 said:

Looks great! Also...where is that super adorable cat shirt from?!

on April 02, 2013  midnightsun2288  6,053 said:

I cut my own hair a few days ago, and it is super curly. It was a spurr of the moment kind of thing and I googled how to cut your own hair and I found an article on ehow, and did the first tip and then I noticed it looked pretty strange and then I looked at the article title again and noticed it was "How to cut your own hair...into layers." Yikes. I ended up cutting off probably an inch and a half, when I wanted to cut off just a tiny bit trying to get it all even. I don't think it looks bad though (though my sister says it's uneven, but I don't care), so its not a super awful DIY experience. Lol.

on April 02, 2013  fredamans  12,209 said:

I cut my hair twice, from back length long hair to short.

I promise I will not do it again.

on April 02, 2013  Bren  26,046 said:

I love your new cut you look fantastic Alex!

on April 02, 2013  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

I love the new cut though you look great both ways!

on April 02, 2013  LadyFlash  8,899 said:

Looks fantastic! One of these days I need to take the plunge too lol.

on April 02, 2013  luxx  2,176 said:

It looks amazing! It really suits you :)

on April 02, 2013  KatelynRose1984  20,704 said:

I really love your new hair cut. It really seems to suit you. I recently (2 weeks ago) cut my hair.. It was almost down to my bum, and now it's about an inch past my shoulders. I'm loving it sooo much!

on April 02, 2013  takoda  28,648 said:

I love your new hair cut Alex. You have more guts then I do! I haven't had more then a home trim in years. The last time I went to a salon there was a mix up and one girl came up behind me, grabbed my pony tail and cut it off. I was in so much shock I couldn't even speak!

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