Meggings: Yay or Nay?

Posted by Christina | Monday January 27, 2014108 comments

Ladies, I love wearing leggings. No matter what anyone says, yes, I say they are pants. Accept it. And guess what? They’re a super comfy pant that can be styled up to be acceptable beyond yoga class. 

Though I love my leggings, I don’t think I would love them on my man. 

Anything that shows off muscles is a-ok by me, but I don’t know how I would feel about him wearing meggings. 

Meggings. Male + Leggings = Meggings. 

Meggings got their start on the runway in 2007 thanks to Alexander McQueen, and have made a reappearance to go mainstream by a couple of Chicago-based Entrepreneurs Adam Frek and Andrew Volk launched their ‘Meggings Man Clothing’ line last month and apparently they’re a huge hit! 

The creators of the brand told the Daily Mail “men want to wear them, and that’s a fact! There are always naysayers with any new piece of fashion. Living in Chicago, we know that meggings are a possibility. It would be dumb of us not to take them seriously. Look at the way skinny jeans started out. A band probably started wearing them and everyone questioned it, and now 50% of people in their twenties are wearing skinny jeans. We see the potential in meggings, and we hope that people use them as a serious fashion piece.” Read the article here. 

Meggings should be paired with long tops or sweaters and are apparently extremely comfy. They’re made specifically to fit the male form. They have inverted triangle panels on the hips, wide waist bands and a faux zip in the front

The Man Leggings are now available for purchase for $29.95 online. 

Although the creators of this trend make a good point and I do love some toned men in baseball pants, my boyfriend will not be showing off leggings anytime soon. 
What do you think? Would you let your man rock this trend? Is this trend here to stay? 
More by Christina
More on Style Guide, Would You Wear This?

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on August 09, 2017  dperrault  9,749 said:

Lorsque je suis revenue d'Europe après 12 là bas et près de 3 en Colombie Britannique, je n'aurais jamais porté ce genre de pantalon (retour en1997). Aujourd'hui je ne les portent que lorsque je part pour aller faire du yoga. Je ne voit pas non plus mon conjoint en porter! Je n'oserais même pas lui demander!

on April 13, 2017  Tpynn  3,168 said:

This is NOT a good look for men.

on May 01, 2016  youssra.xo  4,680 said:

I just dont think its very nice to look at lol so no !

on October 16, 2015  jessipickle  5,464 said:

I wear men's pants so what's the difference? We've got to expand our thinking when it comes to gender stereotypes

on September 08, 2015  Kylee  40,914 said:

I'm going to have to say Nay on this one.. it just does not look right. Looks so wrong and I must look away.

on August 01, 2015  Cupcake  24,317 said:

Yea that's not

on May 01, 2015  mepark  20,579 said:

I am sorry, but definitely not. Somethings you be left up to the imagination.

on December 08, 2014  Onimiki  3,409 said:

OMG eeew... this is so weird. NAY!!!

on November 26, 2014  glumbumble  10,038 said:

Leggings are not pants. Period. They are to be worn like tights. And the majority of men look ridiculous in tight pants, and most definitely while wearing super tight spandex materials. Those examples shown in the pictures are laughable at best. They're trying to look tough, but they fail spectacularly from the waist down.

on November 02, 2014  stsjenn  1,792 said:

My first thought when I saw this months ago was "No way!" but then my man dressed as Spiderman for Halloween and he was looking HOT in those tights... I'm still not sure how I'd feel about him wearing them for day to day wear though, especially if they were shiny or in pastel colours like the ones above.

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