Meggings: Yay or Nay?

Posted by Christina | Monday January 27, 2014108 comments

Ladies, I love wearing leggings. No matter what anyone says, yes, I say they are pants. Accept it. And guess what? They’re a super comfy pant that can be styled up to be acceptable beyond yoga class. 

Though I love my leggings, I don’t think I would love them on my man. 

Anything that shows off muscles is a-ok by me, but I don’t know how I would feel about him wearing meggings. 

Meggings. Male + Leggings = Meggings. 

Meggings got their start on the runway in 2007 thanks to Alexander McQueen, and have made a reappearance to go mainstream by a couple of Chicago-based Entrepreneurs Adam Frek and Andrew Volk launched their ‘Meggings Man Clothing’ line last month and apparently they’re a huge hit! 

The creators of the brand told the Daily Mail “men want to wear them, and that’s a fact! There are always naysayers with any new piece of fashion. Living in Chicago, we know that meggings are a possibility. It would be dumb of us not to take them seriously. Look at the way skinny jeans started out. A band probably started wearing them and everyone questioned it, and now 50% of people in their twenties are wearing skinny jeans. We see the potential in meggings, and we hope that people use them as a serious fashion piece.” Read the article here. 

Meggings should be paired with long tops or sweaters and are apparently extremely comfy. They’re made specifically to fit the male form. They have inverted triangle panels on the hips, wide waist bands and a faux zip in the front

The Man Leggings are now available for purchase for $29.95 online. 

Although the creators of this trend make a good point and I do love some toned men in baseball pants, my boyfriend will not be showing off leggings anytime soon. 
What do you think? Would you let your man rock this trend? Is this trend here to stay? 
More by Christina
More on Style Guide, Would You Wear This?

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on January 29, 2014  midnightsun2288  6,053 said:

Nay! Although I do like guys in baseball pants haha. Maybe it's not that different. Although I think it would be too much if a guy was just walking down the street in them.

on January 29, 2014  shanaz  5,961 said:

N A Y .

on January 29, 2014  Charmheart16  3,985 said:

Men wearing leggings? Just NO! I don't see how anyone can find this look attractive on a guy.

on January 28, 2014  ellstar  5,069 said:

Same rule applies for men and women, if I can see your underwear (or lack therof), then no.

on January 27, 2014  Mah_kal  5,634 said:

Ummm noway !

on January 27, 2014  jl13  2,934 said:

No! I also don't like male capris.

on January 27, 2014  flower  4,433 said:


on January 27, 2014  jack said:

No thank you!

on January 27, 2014  smiley_gen  9,832 said:


on January 27, 2014  shagtownlady  9,255 said:

Nay! I wouldn't find these attractive on my guy (and I know he would never wear them anyways lol), but to each their own.

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