My Day in Pictures: June 7

Posted by Ali | Thursday June 7, 201213 comments
Today was an office day so while my baby makes googly eyes at his babysitter (for real. He totally has a crush on her), I'm back in my office-y clothes working with my super awesome team.  People always ask what a typical day is like for me and I feel like I should say something really impressive, but honestly, the first thing I do is check out everyone's outfits. I can't help it!  Mandy always has something designer, like this Prada bag.  Miranda had a really cute scarf in her hair and I am wearing a summer dress I haven't worn in two years.  Alexandra and I discussed content surrounded by maxipads (there's a good reason for it, I swear). 

Over lunch I got a new lipstick at MAC using their recycling program (it's Speak Louder) and I got some super sweet gifts from my friends at Philosophy including this welcome baby kit. It's beautiful, isn't it? 

When I was in New York recently I fell in love with Taschen, a designer bookstore in Soho.  They had these really cute notebooks from cities around the world.  Mine's Hollywood.  Do you like? 

What was your day like?
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on June 07, 2012  Ali de Bold  STAFF said:

@pammy1309 your day sounds really sweet!

@Becky that sounds awful! Just know that this will eventually be over and all of your hard work will pay off. I worked insane hours like that to when we were launching the company and I was in school full time so I know how not fun that is. Hugs!

on June 07, 2012  Becky  13,128 said:

Girlfriend, my day was nothing like yours. My day started 2 days ago since I've not slept since. I am taking 2 classes and working full time obviously. One class had a group assignment essay. I worked with my group to get all their ideas and wrote a 9 page essay which I uploaded to the group for their inspection. One of my well-meaning team mates decided to reword everything I wrote. I mean everything. She thesaurus-ed the lot! The whole essay ended up not making sense! I could have CRIED! I didn't cry mainly because I didn't have time to. The day I had allocated to doing my accounting homework, I instead used to fix the reworded essay (chock full of grammar, spelling, and techno-y errors). I had to still do accounting homework so I stayed back at work to do that. Until 12am. Yup, stayed at work until midnight to do my accounting homework. Couldn't finish everything but did about half. Went home around 12:30, ate dinner (I know, I know...) and went back to editing the essay some more, uploading it, did more homework. It became morning so came back to work, spent the whole day doing more accounting homework, went home and did more and kept at it until 1:45am when I submitted it online. It was due at 2am. I was SO riled up I couldn't sleep (last night), so stayed awake with my busy riled up brain for company. And I'm still going...

Sort of why I've not been on CA for so long (it feels so long to me!). sigh .. :(

on June 07, 2012  pammy1309  2,623 said:

You guys totally have the best jobs in the world!! I have my own type of excitement.... I stay home with my two boys so today we played, coloured watched movies and baked cookies! Now I'm off to my Zumba class! =D

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