Need a Cuddle? Well, It'll Cost You $60

Posted by Christina | Friday February 7, 201421 comments

New York City has got a serious snuggler on their hands. One woman decided to take keeping warm in the polar vortex quite seriously! She started her own business, naming herself New York’s first professional cuddler. 

Now, a snuggle with the bf is always welcome, but I don’t know if I would pay someone to cuddle with me for a whole hour. Unless they were ohhh I don’t know… Bradley Cooper. 

Ali C. (not her real name btw) started the business Cuddle U NYC in November and has had more than 30 clients who have been mostly male. She hosts the cuddle sessions in her studio apartment and has many cuddle session options including: $60 for 45 minutes of cuddling, $80 for one hour and $500 for an overnight stay, which has yet to happen. She also offers a movie and cuddle package for $200 where you can choose a movie from a list of films she has on hand. But she is waiting for someone to take her up on the offer before actually buying a television. 

On her website she talks about her cuddle goals saying, “during your Cuddle session with me, my goal is to create a nurturing, loving energy that is completely free of sexual undertones -- emotional generosity that isn't concerned with getting anything in return.” Also, while sexual arousal is "perfectly normal" and the client would "not be made to feel uncomfortable" about it, sexual contact or behavior is strictly prohibited. 

Ali C. also isn’t the only cuddler in the United States; she’s joined by pro cuddlers in San Francisco, California and Rochester, New York. This profession has yet to come to Canada, so I guess I’ll be sticking to cuddles with my body pillow for now. 

Would you pay to be cuddled? What do you think about this snuggle business? 

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on May 05, 2016  Cupcake  24,317 said:

Wow.. This is a joke!

on May 05, 2016  jmca  9,275 said:


on May 04, 2015  11kalf  15,970 said:

I think it's sad that we live in a world so disconnected that people will pay for human contact. However, if the safety of both people is ensured, I don't see anything wrong with it!

on December 08, 2014  Onimiki  3,409 said:

Safety would be my main concern.

on November 26, 2014  glumbumble  10,038 said:

I think this makes sense for those with disabilities, such as autism, but not for the general public. How does this woman keep herself safe with male clients? I think it's pretty sad that one, people are paying for this 'service', and two, she's making people pay for this "emotional generosity that isn't concerned with getting anything in return." Really? How about then you hold a sign saying "free hugs" like I've seen some people do and they do not get paid for it?

on September 03, 2014  Zillah82  2,182 said:

I guess if you really needed a hug and had no one around and wanted a cuddle.... Still a bit akward I think as you showed up at her house.

on March 01, 2014  wendyroy  25,308 said:

I find it awkward to be honest. Why is she in pyjamas? She seems pretty articulate and knowledgeable, so I don't want to rush to judgement, but I can't see myself being on either end.

on February 24, 2014  complete_cutie  1,224 said:

hmmm interesting. Never would have thought about someone paying for cuddling

on February 24, 2014  mamaluv  STAFF said:

I agree with @GranolaGirl especially when you think of the reported therapeutic effects of having a pet or swimming with dolphins can do for people with various disorders. Generally, our society is becoming more and more aware that conventional therapies are not one-size-fits-all and some people need other options. If you're a fan of the Love Languages books, you know that Touch is an important way to receive and give love. Someone who feels unloved can't feel appreciated by receiving a gift or a compliment for example, and a good cuddle might be just what they need. Interesting thought!

on February 24, 2014  Granola Girl  2,936 said:

I think it's a sad statement on our society that we even need this. But there are a lot of lonely people out there with no one to cuddle who still need that prolonged human contact that those of us in healthy relationships enjoy.
I could see my mildly autistic son benefitting from something like this in the future. He needs and craves human contact but can't handle the reality of it. Someone tries to hug him and he goes stiff and it's a huge rejection to the hugger, people stop hugging, even touching him, and he's aware of that. A professional hugger is like a surrogate, it's not personal for them. The client is in control of the contact, so he would be more comfortable without the fear that he's going to offend with his cold and awkward hug.
I know it all sounds weird to those of us with children and pets and loving partners and friends, but not everyone is so fortunate. I think this is like any other therapy and it has it's place.

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